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Chiba Lotte Marines: Building A Champion

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Chiba Lotte Marines: Building A Champion
I've mostly simmed my first two years with the Chiba Lotte Marines in Pawapuro 12. The first year, we won the pennant by finishing third but dominating in the playoffs. We ended up being crushed by the Giants in the series.

During that offseason, we signed Kimiyasu Kudoh(Giants), Kazuhiro Hatakeyama(Swallows), and Yuuki Yoshimura(Baystars) via tryouts, since they were released by their teams. Kudoh was signed, of course, due to his amazing history in the league. The movement on his pitches weren't what they used to be, but his control was decent and he could still give a solid 6 innings in the rotation. Hatakeyama and Yoshimura were signed as young prospects who have the potential to become big time sluggers. Before the start of the second year, we sent Yoshimura overseas to develop.

During the first year, we signed a left handed suketto named Chris. He was brought in to be a left-handed reliever, but surprised us with B control and B stamina. In addition to this, he had a curve and sinker that rivaled Shunsuke Watanabe's. This was more than enough to solidify him as the #4 man in the rotation.

In addition to this, we made a ton of trades in the first two years. Hayasaka was sent to Nippon Ham for second base prospect Kensuke Tanaka. We needed to think about the future at 2B. Nishioka would eventually have to take over at short for Kosaka, and we had no good young 2B to take over. In his prime, Hayasaka would be nothing more than a pinch runner. Tanaka has a lot of potential to be a .300 hitter.

Lotte's team leader, Koichi Hori, was also sent to Nippon Ham for Takahashi(veteran lefty reliever) and Iiyama(young prospect with great defense at SS and 3B). Hori struck out too much to be a starter, and we needed a left arm to replace the struggling and aging Fujita.

After this, we tried to make a number of trades. We tried to get Okawari Nakamura and a couple relievers from Hanshin, but nobody was biting. Finally, we received a HUGE offer from Rakuten. They were offering Iwakuma for Shimizu. At first, I was weary of this trade, but Iwakuma is 5 years younger than Shimizu, has more different attributes, and a shuuto. We made the trade just before the 2006 deadline.

We finished the 2006 season in last place. It was awful, and our draft picks weren't too amazing, either. The end of the season showed lots of promise, though. We made Komiyama the pitching coach, and replaced the batting coach, Hatsushiba, with Bryant. Bryant's job this season is to turn the returning Yoshimura into a top homerun hitter. We also signed Ochiai and Kawahara to help out in the bullpen. They're older players, but still very capable.

This season will see Kosaka pass the torch to Nishioka at SS. He will now be a utility and pinch running man. Imae has converted to 2B, where as he played nothing but 3B for the first two seasons. Yoshimura came back from overseas with Best Nine abilities. His arm at 3B is also a huge upgrade from Imae. Saji, our 27 year old rookie from last season, converted his batting stance to the one legged Oh style stance. This turned his batting attributes from B meet and C power to C meet and D power. Here is what our current order looks like now...

1. Nishioka(SS) CCBDD
2. Saji(RF) CDDDE
3. Fukuura(1B) CBCED
4. Lee(LF) EAEED
5. Benny(CF) DBDEE
6. Yoshimura(3B) EADBE
7. Imae(2B) EBCDD
8. Pascucci(DH) FAEEE
9. Satozaki(C) ECEBF


1. Iwakuma 151km/h B A
2. Watanabe 133km/h B A
3. Kobayashi 149km/h C A
4. Ono 145km/h D B
5. Kudoh 146km/h D B
6. Chris 140km/h B B


Kubo 150km/h G C
Yamakita 143km/h D E
Kawahara 145km/h C C
Ochiai 142km/h C E
Yabuta 147km/h C F
Kobayashi Masa 154km/h D F

The news event before the season says that we're predicted to win it all this year. Kudoh is 43 years old now, so it will be fun to see him try to have a Clemens-like season in what may be his last chance.
Re: Chiba Lotte Marines: Building A Champion
[ Author: Guest: Shinigami | Posted: Sep 9, 2005 11:27 AM ]

Did u try bidding for golden rookie toriyama? he develops very well in pawapuro 11 and 12, he could've fitted into kosaka's shortstop hole, and nishioka can continue at second

good choice trading shimizu for iwakuma...iwakuma's got insane stuffs in pawapuro 12.

iirc hashimoto's better than satozaki in pawapuro 12, u could try using him instead

i am currently making a senkawa high school yakyuu team (from the comic H2) in success mode...already got 4 players done...but still having trouble trying to find a way to make their ace pitcher kunimi hiro and team-captain/catcher noda...those two are too difficult to make...and requires some luck plus the right facilities in order to have a crack at making them...and currently i dun have those facilities...>__<
Re: Chiba Lotte Marines: Building A Champion
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Sep 9, 2005 12:12 PM | CLM Fan ]

I'd have to give up too much to get Toritani. I'd rather develop others. Nishioka just gave up an error in the 1-0 opener. That's what baseballs all about. You take both the good and the bad.

BTW, that match was between Kudoh and Ichiba and was VERY fun to play. Pascucci hit a solo shot for the only run. Ichiba and Kudoh were going at it, like old school vs. new school.

Hashimoto has an arch of 4 and decent power, but Satozaki is great with runners in scoring position. He's also great against lefties and his arm is the best in the Pacific League now that Johjima left for the US.

Re: Chiba Lotte Marines: Building A Champion
[ Author: Guest: Skinz | Posted: Sep 10, 2005 2:38 AM ]

Great stuff Big. I'm about to start over with the Carps myself. We need more of these types of threads to see how everyone is doing. Great trade for Iwakuma (the eagles made a stupid move there) but I don't know about Kudoh. That guy is really old and that's an injury waiting to happen.
Re: Chiba Lotte Marines: Building A Champion
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Sep 10, 2005 4:44 AM | CLM Fan ]

Kudoh currently has an ERA of 0.00 after one game. He's 43 years old, but still very capable. I'm surprised his attributes have kept up considering how old he is. Anyway, if he gets injured, Yoshimi(former Baystars rookie sensation) is waiting in the wings to take his place.

So far after a series with Rakuten and one with Nippon Ham, the only loss is from Iwakuma. He let one bad pitch go by and Seguignol smacked it out for a 3 run shot. Bad relief from Kubo and Yamakita almost lost a blow out for us, too. Kobayashi Masahide cleaned up the mess and got a save.

On the offensive side of things, Nishioka has started out slow. Saji is batting like a batting champ. Lee is striking out a lot, but makes up for it with 2 homers. Pascucci is doing great by replacing Matt Franco at DH. He is batting over .300 and has 2 homers. Yoshimura started out his career as a regular third baseman with a hitless effort against Rakuten. The next game, he hit 2 homers with 5 RBIs. One of his jacks was a grand slam. Imae is showing no problems at second base and already has a homerun. Benny is struggling with power hitting, so Saburo replaced him for most of the Nippon Ham series. Saburo has hit a few doubles, and threw a man out at third base. He covers a ton of ground in center.
Re: Chiba Lotte Marines: Building A Champion
[ Author: Guest: Shinigami | Posted: Sep 11, 2005 1:44 AM ]

hrm...u guys are making me itchy to want to start

but currently still playing my 2nd time thru suparobo alpha 3...(two more after that...but those will be fast with all the upgrades and stuffs...)

just finished with my senkawa koko (altho i kinda screwed up yanagi in his special attributes...his stats are almost all correct imo...), so now gonna go back for more suparobo.

probably might wait till cho~ and start a hanshin tigers pennant

good luck to u all!
Re: Chiba Lotte Marines: Building A Champion
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Sep 11, 2005 4:50 AM | CLM Fan ]

Saji injured his shoulder by sliding head first into second base, so Hatakeyama has been brought up to ichi-gun while he heals up. We've lost 4 in a row due to poor pitching in the first two innings and untimely hitting. We've changed up our order to reflect the powerful youth we are counting on this season.

1. Nishioka(SS)
2. Otsuka(RF)
3. Fukuura(1B)
4. Yoshimura(3B)
5. Imae(2B)
6. Hatakeyama(DH)
7. Lee(LF)
8. Satozaki or Hashimoto(C)
9. Saburo or Benny(CF)

Kubo was sent down and rookie lefty reliever Hisano has taken his place.
Re: Chiba Lotte Marines: Building A Champion
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Sep 22, 2005 8:55 AM | CLM Fan ]

We just swept the Giants to begin interleague play. Their lack of contact batting just killed them against our top 3 starters. Kobayashi pitched a 7 hit complete game, though giving up 2 runs in the 9th inning.

Ironically, Naoyuki Shimizu(now playing for Rakuten) and Hisashi Iwakuma are the only pitchers to throw shut-outs so far. Here are the stats as of 5-15-2007...

1. Nishioka .268 3 8 19
2. Saji .442 1 12 1
3. Fukuura .410 1 23 3
4. Yoshimura .277 9 32 0
5. Imae .333 5 24 3
6. Pascucci .375 11 24 0
7. Benny .353 8 21 1
8. Satozaki .342 3 12 0
9. Lee .263 4 10 1
Omatsu 1.00 0 1 0
Hashimoto .306 2 8 0
Otsuka .299 2 7 3
Kosaka .263 0 3 4
Hatakeyama.263 0 0 0
Saburo .261 2 7 3
Takehara .250 0 0 0

Name ERA W L S
1. Iwakuma 3.22 4 1 0
2. Watanabe 3.32 3 2 0
3. KobaHiro 4.85 3 2 0
4. Kudoh 4.18 0 1 0
5. Ono 4.74 2 3 0
6. Chris 3.12 5 0 0
Kawahara 4.50 1 1 1
Ochiai 4.08 2 0 0
Yabuta 5.82 0 2 3
Yamakita 6.60 2 1 0
Kusano 5.79 0 0 0
KobaMasa 1.10 1 0 11

Now the ERAs are really bad, especially for the bullpen, since that was a huge issue in April. They're starting to bring their ERAs down, but now some of the starters' ERAs are skyrocketing. Namely Ono, Kudoh, and KobaHiro.

The batting is jacked up, but that's mostly due to me not being totally disciplined. I've been swinging at a few pitches that weren't straight down the middle. Hence some of the averages have gone up. Benny was doing mediocre until he had a 5 for 5 game with 3 homers against the Giants. Saji and Fukuura are batting like aliens right now, but that's bound to come down. Saji started off his rookie year batting around .240, then he changed his stance to Oh's style. Now he's popping the ball over the infield every other time at bat.

Anyway, we have the top rated batting order in both leagues, so it's not a surprise to see such output. There are guys like Saji, Fukuura, and Imae who have no problems getting base hits. After that, you have power hitters like Pascucci, Yoshimura, and Lee to bring them home. Nishioka's speed also gives us an almost automatic scoring opportunity when he gets on.
Re: Chiba Lotte Marines: Building A Champion
[ Author: jomcclane | Posted: Sep 22, 2005 9:30 AM ]

I assume that you can only change a guy's batting stance during the off season. And I haven't made it to the off season yet.

But changing a guy's batting stance sounds interesting to me. Is there anything more you can say about this?
Re: Chiba Lotte Marines: Building A Champion
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Sep 22, 2005 10:52 AM | CLM Fan ]

It's part of spring camp. Different stances can mean different things. For example, Kosaka turned into G meet and F power with an arch of 1. I converted his batting stance to a power crouching style, and his meet went up to F, power up to E, and arch to 2. Saji's stats decreased due to the Oh batting stance, but for some reason, he's batting a lot better. It's very interesting.
Re: Chiba Lotte Marines: Building A Champion
[ Author: jomcclane | Posted: Sep 22, 2005 9:54 PM ]

It does sound interesting. Thanks.

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Michael Westbay
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