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Pawapuro Difficulty Settings

Discussion in the Video Games forum
Pawapuro Difficulty Settings
I'm relatively new to the Pawapuro series.

I began my Pennant with the following CPU difficulty settings:

Running: HARD
Fielding: HARD
Batting: HARD
Pitching: NORMAL

I've played 30-40 games, and my offensive stats are unrealistically high. To counter this, I believe that the CPU A.I. has weakened my pitching a bit. My pitching stats are unrealistically low. Because of this, balance has been maintained and most of my games continue to be fun and competitive. Although I did win one game 21-3 recently...

So I decided to play a few exhibition games with the CPU difficulty set higher. These are the settings I used:

Fielding: POWERFUL
Batting: HARD
Pitching: HARD

I bumped up CPU Running and Fielding because stealing bases against the CPU and catching CPU runners stealing was just too easy on HARD difficulty.

I left CPU Batting alone because HARD still feels right.

I turned CPU pitching up because of my ridiculously high offensive stats. My batting skills must have improved because I'm hitting HARD CPU pitching much better than I used to. My hit, HR, and strike out totals are all more realistic with the CPU pitching set to HARD.

To be clear though, when I first started playing Pawapuro I found HARD CPU pitching a little too difficult to hit. Now I don't. I must have turned a corner. Hooray!

Please share your thoughts on Pawapuro difficulty settings here.
Re: Pawapuro Difficulty Settings
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Sep 16, 2005 6:32 AM | CLM Fan ]

I use this...

Running: Powerful
Defense: Powerful
Batting: Hard
Pitching: Hard

I chose Powerful for running, because Satozaki has B arm strength and throws out runners best in the Pacific League. #2 is Noda, who also has B arm strength. This setting also makes me think about fielding more. I don't throw as many people out from the outfield and I have to focus on base stealing threats.

For defense, I found that on Hard setting, I was hitting way too many doubles. I don't hit many triples anymore, but the realistic doubles is a positive change. The team batting average is also more down to Earth.

I learned how to pitch on Hard level just by pitching outside more and throwing high heat when I want a strike out. When I get a 2-2 or full count, I try to paint a corner with a breaking ball.

Pitching was changed from Powerful to Hard, because I rarely get opposing pitchers to throw out of the strike zone on Powerful. This way, I get walks and realistic pitch counts. I set my batting cursor to powerful until two strikes. This way, I only get homeruns when the pitcher messes up and throws right down the middle. My batting is so strong that the homerun counts aren't realistic unless I do this. So when the threat of a strike out comes, I switch the cursor to contact mode and try to get a base hit. With strike out batters like Lee Seung Yeop, I keep the cursor on power and try to make contact.

Re: Pawapuro Difficulty Settings
[ Author: Guest | Posted: Sep 16, 2005 6:57 AM ]

I started using the same sliders as you guys did ( but letting the CPU take control of my fielding..I was juste throwing to bases).
I am now playing with these settings:
running: Hard
fielding: hard
batting: hard
pitching : hard

I thought that fielding at powerfull was too unrealstic for me, and it was very hard to get extra-bases.
Plus, the scores were too low...

I'm now 4 games into my season ( playing as the Carp ) I'm 1-3 , and controlling the fielding.
my era is about 4.30 and I,m hitting .260
Re: Pawapuro Difficulty Settings
[ Author: Guest: Shinigami | Posted: Sep 17, 2005 11:05 AM ]

Was same as the other guys, but few weeks ago changed batting to powerful...and it just doesn't seem right...everyone turned into ichiro or pujols...and never swings at balls, so i switched back to hard.

actually I prefer playing in powerful pitching...but i aint there yet, and is having a tough time hitting the ball...but hard is way too easy now for me...probably gonna adjust to powerful pitching if i am gonna go back to play it later.

or maybe will wait for chou~ to come out and see what happens in that...
Re: Pawapuro Difficulty Settings
[ Author: Guest | Posted: Sep 21, 2005 5:11 AM ]

I just had my best game since I got the game.
I lost 6-4 to the Giants (I'm playing as the Carp).
But I saw everything, 2 errors, 3 homeruns, a couple of steals, and 10 hits from each side.
I tried your settings
fielding and running : powerfull
picthing and batting : hard
I had never played at fielding set to powerfull when having control of the fielding...
Re: Pawapuro Difficulty Settings
[ Author: jomcclane | Posted: Sep 22, 2005 5:08 AM ]

Since I've been playing with these settings (Running and Fielding: POWERFUL; Batting and Pitching: HARD), I've been getting very realistic stats.

It also seems like the game's entire "feel" or "A.I." changes on these settings. 3 examples I think that I've noticed: -Fielders committ more errors. -Guys with "C"s in power have a better chance of hitting homeruns. -More high infield pop-ups.

I lost 2 games on these settings recently. But I would classify them as "good losses." Both games were fun and competitive, and I made some really stupid mistakes that cost me the wins. It felt like I lost because of MY mistakes, not because the A.I. just decided to make me lose.

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