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Next Generation Yakyu Games

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Next Generation Yakyu Games
I was doing some research and decided to put this up for all discussion about Next Generation yakyu games. This concerns games on PS3, Xbox 360, and Revolution.

Firstly, I read some Japanese reports from the Tokyo Game Show. They said that Pro Yakyu Spirits was only announced for Xbox 360, and Pawapuro only for PS3. Could these games be exclusive? I really want to play the next Pro Yakyu Spirits, but there's no way in hell that I'm buying a 360, let alone a Japanese one.

They also said that Spirits looked very realistic and may get a new gameplay system. Not much info was given on Pawapuro. Both clips were VERY short. Also, cameras were not allowed inside the theater. I guess they're in pretty early development, so Konami wants to keep things secret. I wouldn't be surprised if both games saw releases in early-mid summer 2006, though. If PS3 is coming out in spring 2006, Sony will need both Pawapuro and Winning Eleven to sell consoles.

My thoughts on Pro Yakyu Sprits...well, if they don't improve the gameplay much, the Xbox can have it. If Konami makes it an Xbox 360 exclusive, we'll pretty much know that they gave up on the series. The sales weren't very good for the past couple years, mostly due to the very spotty gameplay. They made great strides, but there's still a ton that needs fixing. If it's only for Japanese Xbox 360s, I honestly don't see it breaking 5000 units sold.

Pawapuro really needs a huge facelift. If the graphics are anything close to the PS2 version, it'll be a colossal waste of the PS3 and blu-ray disc's powers. Here is what I think they need to do to make the series explode...

-Tweak pitching, defense, and batting to reflect real life more. The game doesn't have to be ridiculously hard to have realistic stats.

-Less focus on little things in Success Mode if they take away from improving gameplay.

-Fix bugs in My Life mode. Player progression is flawed, too. Remember Matsuzaka in Pawapuro 11? He'd be breaking every record by the 3rd year. Stats need to be more modest, especially batting.

-More animations like a double pump throw, check swing, catcher blocking a pitch in the dirt, better looking SHINJO hop, etc.

-More accurate batting and pitching forms in mass quantity. There weren't enough new ones in Pawapuro 12. A lot of them look stupid and similar, too. Like Tatsunami, Nioka, Ibata, Kiyohara, etc.

-Way more dead balls for pitchers of both teams playing.

-HAIR, accurate gloves/wrist bands, alternative shoes, and accessories for players. This is something that wouldn't take too much processing power or programming effort, and would change the entire feel of the game. Accessories can range from Kiyohara's earring to Matsunaka's necklace to Matsuzaka's livestrong bracelet.

-Way more showmanship type stuff, like Pro Yakyu Spirits. I want to see many homerun celebrations, team mascots handing over stuffed animals, various signs all over the ouendan, etc.

-Accurate ouendan songs for the majority of players.

-AN ENTIRE FARM SYSTEM! The N64 and PS1 games only had a small handful of guys in the farm. Some teams didn't even have a backup catcher. PS2 doubled that size, and I want to see full ni-gun teams for PS3. The blu-rays are huge, so they need to make it happen.

-Go even more extreme and have an entire major league system of teams. The players and teams can have fictional names, but the stats reflect those of real players. Gamers can change the names manually. This would be an amazing addition to My Life and Pennant mode.

-Worldwide online play

I'll think of more every now and then. This may seem extreme, but the PS3 is an extreme machine. If Konami can do what they're doing with MGS4, this is all very possible to pull off.
Re: Next Generation Yakyu Games
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Oct 6, 2005 8:18 PM | CLM Fan ]

To show you the cosmetic progression of the series from N64 to PS2, check out these pics.



Now just imagine way better graphics, a more realistic crowd, hair around the heads, and gloves on Fukuura's hands and that's my vision.
Re: Next Generation Yakyu Games
[ Author: Guest: John Brooks | Posted: Oct 6, 2005 10:35 PM ]

This is Jikkyuo Powerful Pro Yakyu 97 as you can see for Playstation.

This is Jikkyuo Powerful Pro Yakyu 2002 Haru Edition for Playstation.

This is Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyu 96 Kaimakauban Edition for SNES.

Also this is Jikkyuo Powerful Pro Yakyu 4 for the N64.
Re: Next Generation Yakyu Games
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Oct 6, 2005 8:24 PM | CLM Fan ]

You can add these to the list...

-New announcer with better announcing.

-Hear balloons being blown up during the 7th inning.

-Realistic free agency time period. None of this 5 years junk.

-My Life is 20 years long, so Pennant should be.

-Realistic salaries during Pennant.

-Improved AI so computer players don't have messed up defensive positions. Why does the computer switch the LF and CF around after a few seasons? Why is a catcher playing at 1B?
Re: Next Generation Yakyu Games
[ Author: Guest | Posted: Oct 7, 2005 1:45 AM ]

What are some of the issues you have regarding Pro Yakyu Spirits gameplay? With the exception of lack of "check swings" and challenging pickoff/basestealing functionality, I think gameplay is pretty good. It would suck if the game becomes an XBOX exclusive.
Re: Next Generation Yakyu Games
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Oct 7, 2005 2:16 AM | CLM Fan ]

It's just too easy for me. Even using the direction pad is too easy. If I set it to real speed, it'll become impossible to hit homeruns. There needs to be more balance. I'd also like to see a lot more batting stances. The default ones for a lot of guys just look awful. They're rehashed from The Baseball franchise going back to 2002.
Re: Next Generation Yakyu Games
[ Author: jomcclane | Posted: Oct 7, 2005 3:29 AM ]

Has anyone heard anything about regional encoding on the next-generation consoles?

I don't want to get a Japanese PS3 just to play Pawapuro. But then again, I do seem to play Pawapuro more than any other game. I still don't think I could justify this purchase though.

I wish they'd do away with regional encoding. But if not, hopefully mod chips will appear shortly after the PS3's release.

I currently use a slide card on my PS2. But since the PS3 doesn't have a slide-open disc drawer, I'm guessing that slide cards won't be available for the PS3.

Re: Next Generation Yakyu Games
[ Author: Guest: John Brooks | Posted: Oct 7, 2005 11:52 AM ]

"Has anyone heard anything about regional encoding on the next-generation consoles?"

I haven't heard anything about regional encoding on the PS3 but I guarantee it will be there. I wish they would get rid of it for good, as I will not buy a mod chip. I will buy a Japanese PS2 or PS3 before I mod my Playstation. Though the reason for the regional restriction in the Playstation seems to be to protect Playstation sales in its designed region only.

With Europe I can understand it, because of the different TV formats(PAL), but in the US and Japan which both use the NTSC television format I can't understand why Sony would use regional restriction, you think Sony make more money by opening the PS3 up to other regions.

I seriously wanted to play FFX:International and FFX-2:International and Last Mission. Though w/o a Japanese PS2 or it being released in the United States(which there was 0% chance because people didn't want the same game twice)it doesn't look like I will play these games unless Sony changes there current pattern of regional restriction.


This is a site about Pro Yakyu (Japanese Baseball), not about who the next player to go over to MLB is. It's a community of Pro Yakyu fans who have come together to share their knowledge and opinions with the world. It's a place to follow teams and individuals playing baseball in Japan (and Asia), and to learn about Japanese (and Asian) culture through baseball.

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Michael Westbay
(aka westbaystars)

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