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First pics of Pawapuro 12 Chouketteiban

Discussion in the Video Games forum
First pics of Pawapuro 12 Chouketteiban

Hiroshima's stadium will now have official sponsor signs all over the stadium.

Making ouendan songs will be easier.

You can continue My Life from Pawapuro 12.

Having a Pawapuro 12 save file will somehow benefit you.

All Success Mode scenarios are unlocked from the beginning.

All uniforms and player motions are unlocked from the beginning.

Check out Kroon throwing the 161 km/h pitch to Akahoshi!
Re: First pics of Pawapuro 12 Chouketteiban
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Nov 20, 2005 6:34 PM | CLM Fan ]

Someone tested out the game the other day and reports these stats...

Fujikawa 155 km/h B E
Curve 3
Fork 5

Williams 152 km/h C E
Slider 7
Circle Change 1

Kubota 157 km/h C E
Slider 4
Fork 2

Fukudome CABBC
Kinjoh CCBBD
Imaoka(updated with an arch of 4) DAFCD
Toritani ECCBD

Re: First pics of Pawapuro 12 Chouketteiban
[ Author: jomcclane | Posted: Nov 22, 2005 5:37 AM ]

Thanks for the update.

I plan on getting this game for Christmas.

Can't wait.

Pawapuro and Pro Evolution/Winning Eleven are all I ever play anymore.

Oh, and the PS3 might be region-free! Here's the link:

This would be so cool. No more mod-chips or slide cards, can you imagine?
Re: First pics of Pawapuro 12 Chouketteiban
[ Author: Guest: John Brooks | Posted: Nov 22, 2005 10:30 AM ]

If the PS3 is indeed region-free it would be the best news of the year, as I could play FFX International and FFX-2 International finally. Memory cards are already region free, so this would be great news for me.

Re: First pics of Pawapuro 12 Chouketteiban
[ Author: Guest: skinz | Posted: Nov 23, 2005 12:30 AM ]

Ah! Finally a region free console. (well, dreamcast was easy to play imports on)

Finally, I can get Berserk and Victorious boxer 2.
Re: First pics of Pawapuro 12 Chouketteiban
[ Author: Guest: John Brooks | Posted: Nov 23, 2005 5:01 AM ]

The NES and SNES were region-free, and so is the Game Boy and DS. Though this is easily the best news if true.
Re: First pics of Pawapuro 12 Chouketteiban
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Nov 23, 2005 6:16 AM | CLM Fan ]

NES and SNES had console setups that blocked foreign carts from being played on them, so they weren't really region free. The portable systems are region free, though.
Re: First pics of Pawapuro 12 Chouketteiban
[ Author: Guest: John Brooks | Posted: Dec 6, 2005 1:17 AM ]

The Pawapuro 12 Chouketteiban website is open now, it has only 2 sections right now. It will be coming out December 12th at a price of 7,329 yen($60).

Re: First pics of Pawapuro 12 Chouketteiban
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Dec 8, 2005 11:40 PM | CLM Fan ]

Sorry, I made a mistake. Pawapuro 10 and 11 were called Chouketteiban, but 12 is back to just Ketteiban.

Anyway, Tsutaya has had a video of it up for a while. I've been out of the country and picked up a stomach virus while gone. Anyway, here is the URL.

I'm a little turned off by seeing the Giants and Carp ranked 2 and 3 in the schedule scene. Here are some other tidbits.

Confirmed stats
Yano(Hanshin) - DBECCC, Arch 3, Bunt, Strike Out, Catcher

Tanishige - FCFBBC, Arch 4, Strike Out, Block, Catcher

Aikawa(Baystars) - EDECDE, Arch 3

Furuta - EDFCBB, Arch 3, Injury 2, Block, Catcher

Murata(Giants) - EEECED, Arch 2

Kura - FEECDD, Arch 1, Chance 2

Shimizu(Marines) - BA, 152 km/h, Slider 2, Curve 1, SFF 2

Saitoh(Hawks) - BA, 152 km/h, Slider 3, Curve 2, Fork 4, Winning Pitcher

Matsuzaka - CA, 153 km/h, H Slider 5, Curve 2, Circle Change 2, Shuuto(?)

JP - BA, 150 km/h, H Slider 2, D Curve 4, Change Up 1, Come Backer Reflex

Kanemura - BA, 144 km/h, H Slider 3, Fork 2, Shuuto 1

Iwakuma - CA, 144 km/h, Slider 2, Fork 2, Shuuto 1, Against Runners 2, Breaking Balls 2, Slow Starter, Come Backer Reflex

Re: First pics of Pawapuro 12 Chouketteiban
[ Author: Guest: skinz | Posted: Dec 9, 2005 2:29 AM ]

Hey bigman, who's Kura?

do you mean Kira from Orix?
Re: First pics of Pawapuro 12 Chouketteiban
[ Author: Guest: skinz | Posted: Dec 9, 2005 2:34 AM ]

That's all the comfirmed stats? They better make a ability for the playoffs and Imae the front runner up for it.

I'm gonna keep Pro Yakuu Spirits 2 for next season and try to fix everything ie: roster change, stat change, etc. I see no reason to buy next season unless they do something really drastic.

The more you post the updated stats for players the better so keep up the good job.
Re: First pics of Pawapuro 12 Chouketteiban
[ Author: Guest: skinz | Posted: Dec 9, 2005 2:46 AM ]

Something I noticed while looking at Furuta stat.

So in pawapuro 12, is power is D

But in Pro Yakyuu 2 his power is a B

I'm guessing his 5 HR this season warranted that drop. But he only played 96 games so maybe the developers went a little extreme on his power rating. He shoud've been a low C at minimum.
Re: First pics of Pawapuro 12 Chouketteiban
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Dec 9, 2005 3:11 AM | CLM Fan ]

I don't think they went too extreme. D power is usually reserved for 3-8 homers, C is for 8-13, and B is somewhere around 14-28.

If they gave Tanishige C level power after he hit 14 homeruns, then Furuta won't be that strong.
Re: First pics of Pawapuro 12 Chouketteiban
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Dec 9, 2005 3:06 AM | CLM Fan ]

Imae is something like BCDCC on Pawapoke 8, so no worries. I just want his ouendan song.
Re: First pics of Pawapuro 12 Chouketteiban
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Dec 9, 2005 3:07 AM | CLM Fan ]

Kura is Hiroshima's catcher. He filled in for Ishihara for most of the year.
Re: First pics of Pawapuro 12 Chouketteiban
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Dec 13, 2005 8:10 PM | CLM Fan ]

Here is a full stat page for the new game. Only interesting things I've found so far are the #4 batter ability for Saburo and a new batting stance for Akira Otsuka.
Re: First pics of Pawapuro 12 Chouketteiban
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Dec 13, 2005 8:11 PM | CLM Fan ]
Re: First pics of Pawapuro 12 Chouketteiban
[ Author: Guest: Skinz | Posted: Dec 14, 2005 12:26 AM ]

Thanks BigMan.
Re: First pics of Pawapuro 12 Chouketteiban
[ Author: Guest: skinz | Posted: Dec 14, 2005 12:59 AM ]

Well I just browsed the website and I'm not thrilled with the stats for the Tigers.

Imaoka have power A when he only hit 29 HRS, He should have high B

Spencer still have power B, he should have high D since he only hit 9 HRs

Kiyohara should've gotten a low C for power
Re: First pics of Pawapuro 12 Chouketteiban
[ Author: Guest: John Brooks | Posted: Dec 14, 2005 1:32 AM ]

"Kiyohara should've gotten a low C for power"

Kiyohara hit a home run every 14.59 AB's this year.

Re: First pics of Pawapuro 12 Chouketteiban
[ Author: Guest: skinz | Posted: Dec 14, 2005 2:03 AM ]

Ah My mistake. I just looked at his 22HRs plus his old age and didnt realize he only played 96 games.
Re: First pics of Pawapuro 12 Chouketteiban
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Dec 14, 2005 4:50 AM | CLM Fan ]

A power with an arch of 3 and no Power Hitter stat evens out to around 30 HRs in a full season. Wada has the same stats. They get the A power because they're proven for a few seasons. Franco this year and Nishi last year both got B because they could still be considered flukes in power. In Nishi's case, this turned out to be true.

Shane Spencer would've hit almost 20 HRs if he played a full season in the outfield. B power is fine for him.

There's more to baseball stats than HRs. Konami looks at these stats and makes the numbers in Pawapuro reflect that. Sometimes they mess up, but it's rare. Here are some examples of weird stats in the past...

Tackle at home plate ability for Mike Romano in Pawapuro 12

Average Hitter ability for Kentaro Sekimoto in Pawapuro 11 Chouketteiban

A power for Andy Sheets in Pawapuro 12

I think the Sekimoto blunder was the biggest mistake I've ever seen. They got a lot of crap from the Japanese fans for that one. I think they're going to get crap for making Aoki's power D level when he hit only 3 HRs all season. I think the logic behind that is the fact that he only has an arch of 1 and they still want him to get extra base hits. When I played as a modified Aoki in Pawapuro 12, he had a very hard time getting hits because of that 1 arch and F power. No way could he get 200 hits with those stats.
Re: First pics of Pawapuro 12 Chouketteiban
[ Author: Guest: Skinz | Posted: Dec 14, 2005 5:39 AM ]

Thanks for the info. I keep forgetting about the abilities that goes with the ratings. I mostly look at the ratings and not the abilities sometimes. Guess I have to change my whole critique on player stats.
Re: First pics of Pawapuro 12 Chouketteiban
[ Author: Guest: Shini | Posted: Dec 15, 2005 10:20 AM ]

man, i am so gonna fix up my pawa town this time around...i completely screwed it up in 12, and ended up couldn't make insane players, altho i had many decent ones (made an ichiro all A other than power being C, but missed a few abilities)

iwakuma got completed nerfed from 12, his stats are WAAAY down, kinda harsh when he was playing for rakuten, even tho he did struggle big time with high ERAs and stuffs
Re: First pics of Pawapuro 12 Chouketteiban
[ Author: Guest | Posted: Dec 16, 2005 12:25 PM ]

As I am not familiar with Japanese games, what is the difference between Pawapuro 12 and Pawapuro 12 Chouketteiban? Is it just an updated re-release??

I wish I could get into Japanese Yakyu games, but I dont want to take a risk and mod my PS2 or anything like that, so if PS3 is in fact Region-Free, that would be GREAT!!
Re: First pics of Pawapuro 12 Chouketteiban
[ Author: Guest: John Brooks | Posted: Dec 16, 2005 1:32 PM ]

"what is the difference between Pawapuro 12 and Pawapuro 12 Chouketteiban?"

Pawapuro 12 Chouketteiban is an updated release of Pawapuro 12. Konami releases a winter version update of Pawapuro every December since Pawapuro 1999 or so.

"I wish I could get into Japanese Yakyu games, but I dont want to take a risk and mod my PS2 or anything like that, so if PS3 is in fact Region-Free, that would be GREAT!!"

I'm also hoping the PS3 will be region-free as I won't mod my PS2 to play a video game, and the price to buy a NTSC-J PS2 is expensive. Like I mentioned above, I would love to be able to play Final Fantasy X International for the PS3.
Re: First pics of Pawapuro 12 Chouketteiban
[ Author: Guest | Posted: Dec 18, 2005 2:20 PM ]

thanks a lot man!!

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Michael Westbay
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