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most popular title/best game/help me!!

Discussion in the Video Games forum
most popular title/best game/help me!!
hello, i just recently bought a japanese ps2, and one of the aspects i can do now is try out some j-baseball titles, i'm really interested and i've done a bit of searching around on some webpages for a few game titles, but im just curious whats like the most popular baseball game title right now in japan or just moreover the world regarding this, i figure that the best game just comes off of personal preference, but on i was looking at baseball live 2005 and i havent heard much talk from people about that, but i have heard a little bit of spirits and pawapuro(sp?), sorry if this topic has been discussed before, but i'm just really in the dark about which title should b best fitted for me, im totally fresh out there for preferences, just a fun good baseball game! opinions would help me greatly on most j-baseball games out there right now! help!
Re: most popular title/best game/help me!!
[ Author: Guest | Posted: Dec 12, 2005 11:20 PM ]

Hi, I too just got a japanese ps2 ...
I must say that I own Pawapuro 11 and 12, Yakyuu spirit 2 and Baseball Live .
Here is my review.
Baseball live is just not my knid of game, the graphics are alot like All-Star baseball, and definatly not as smooth as Pawapuro and Spirit.
Pawapuro 12 : very good game, althoug my main problem with it is that the CPU just doesn't throw enough balls to make it realistic.
Spirit : amazing graphics, gameplay is smooth, not enough difficulty sliders ( it gets easy after a while), the game is very hard to find also).
So my advice would be to get Pawapuro 12 Ketteiban .
Re: most popular title/best game/help me!!
[ Author: jomcclane | Posted: Dec 13, 2005 5:21 AM ]

I agree with Bullpen 45. I haven't played Pro Spirits or Baseball Live, but I'm a huge Pawapuro fan.

I own Pawapuro 11 Chou Ketteiban and Pawapuro 12. And I've already pre-ordered Pawapuro 12 Ketteiban. I think its due out December 15.

I'm fairly certain that Pawapuro still reigns supreme in Japan.

Re: most popular title/best game/help me!!
[ Author: Guest: skinz | Posted: Dec 14, 2005 12:23 AM ]

Hey Jom, you have a modded PS2, right?

When you get Pawapuro 12 Ketteiban, wuld you be willing to trade Pawapuro 12 (spring version) for Pro Yakyuu Spirits 2?
Re: most popular title/best game/help me!!
[ Author: jomcclane | Posted: Dec 14, 2005 1:46 AM ]

I use a slide card.

I am slightly curious about Pro Spirits 2, but I'm also pretty sure that I'd still prefer Pawapuro.

And with sports games I really like, I'll often try to collect as many versions as I can.

So I probably won't be willing to trade. Sorry. But if I change my mind, I'll let you know.
Re: most popular title/best game/help me!!
[ Author: Guest: Michael Bowman | Posted: Jan 14, 2006 10:48 AM ]

Undisputedly you should get a copy of Pawapuro, After living in Japan from 93-99, I had seen this big-headed baseball game when I walked throught the open malls and looked into the game stores it was mostly famicon and PS1 at the time but I remember seeing this cartoony looking baseball game and it seemed as if it were quite popular, With my American desire for realistic graphics I shyed away from it, but after finally getting a copy I realized what all the buzz was for, my brothers have no desire to play this game when I brought it home although they love sport games, Japan has definitely captured the essence of baseball and the chance of the game, meaning that a last place can blow out a first place team on any given day of the week. Pawapuro captures the physics of the ball better than I have ever seen, you really get a sense of getting all of the ball when you hit a homerun, on american games it doesn't to seem to feel like you have done anything, somehow even with the ridiculous graphics this game has captured a sense of integrity in gameplay that is unrivaled.
Re: most popular title/best game/help me!!
[ Author: jomcclane | Posted: Jan 15, 2006 10:06 AM ]

I agree with Michael Bowman 100%.

This is a site about Pro Yakyu (Japanese Baseball), not about who the next player to go over to MLB is. It's a community of Pro Yakyu fans who have come together to share their knowledge and opinions with the world. It's a place to follow teams and individuals playing baseball in Japan (and Asia), and to learn about Japanese (and Asian) culture through baseball.

It is my sincere hope that once you learn a bit about what we're about here that you will join the community of contributors.

Michael Westbay
(aka westbaystars)

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