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FAQ for Pawapuro 12 Ketteiban Pitching

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FAQ for Pawapuro 12 Ketteiban Pitching
This is only for if you're challenging Powerful level difficulty. I'll go down all the points I use...

1. Set defense to semi-auto. This just takes care of getting to the ball. I advise people to use this so you don't throw the controller in anger when you don't line up a grounder well. You're still in charge of running after the initial grab and throwing.

2. Mix up your pitches and locations well.

3. Think before every pitch.

4. Keep the attributes and abilities of the batters in mind. For example, don't throw high balls to Johjima too much.

5. Always aim for the edge of the strike zone. This will also make you give up walks every now and then.

6. Understand all of the opposing batting order and their hitting style, because you'll need to use defensive shifts more than ever. Here is an example of how I faced Seibu.

Kuriyama - Normal
Akada - Outfield in
Fernandez - Infield and outfield out
Cabrera - Infield and outfield out
Wada - Infield and outfield out
Ishii - Outfield in
Nakajima - Normal
Hosokawa - Normal
Takagi - Outfield in

It all depends on what you see the batters doing. If you see a particular guy hitting the ball in front of your outfielders more than anything, you should shift to outfield in. Doing this will save you a good 5 hits given up a game. I noticed this when Hirano, Shiozaki, and Muramatsu were hitting me very well a couple games back and they were all liners right in front of my outfielders.

I also switched to batting using the analog stick instead of the control pad. Lotte shouldn't be getting only 4-6 hits a game, so I made that adjustment.
Re: FAQ for Pawapuro 12 Ketteiban Pitching
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Dec 19, 2005 7:40 AM | CLM Fan ]

When I say, "throw to the edges of the strike zone" I mean all four corners, as well as top middle and bottom middle. If you mix those up well, you should force a lot of fly balls and grounders.
Re: FAQ for Pawapuro 12 Ketteiban Pitching
[ Author: jomcclane | Posted: Dec 20, 2005 10:31 PM ]

Thanks for the tips.

I'll definitely try shifting my defense more. All I've done up until now is occasionally play my infield/outfield deep when a power guy is up.

I prefer to control all of my fielding. Though I do still misplay grounders from time to time.

You say you play 12 Ketteiban on POWERFUL difficulty except for CPU pitching which you set to HARD. I believe you said that on these settings the CPU hitters don't strike out too easily, and that the CPU pitchers actually throw balls.

I'm currently playing 12 with those same settings except that I have CPU hitting set to HARD too.

So here's my question: When I start playing 12 Ketteiban in a few days, do you think I should immediately bump the CPU hitting up to POWERFUL? I realize that you've never seen me play, so you don't know how good I am. But I think I remember reading in an old post that you also played 12 with the CPU hitting set to HARD. But you now play 12 Ketteiban with the CPU hitting set to POWERFUL. Anyway, I'm just curious.

Finally, when you're setting your batting order in League mode, there are little squares next to the players' names. You can make these squares RED or you can leave them blank. Could you tell me what exactly what these squares do? I have some ideas, but I'm not completely sure. I'd be eternally grateful.
Re: FAQ for Pawapuro 12 Ketteiban Pitching
[ Author: Guest: Shini | Posted: Dec 21, 2005 5:43 AM ]

those square locks up that player at that batting order, so even if the player's condition is worst, he will still stay in the lineup and bat at that order

actually, when i was playing 12, to counter with the powerful CPU pitching all strikes and rare balls, i changed pitching back to HARD, but I dun even peek at the pitching cursor, so basically it's the same as powerful pitching, BUT u will see more realistic pitches thrown to u.

i played a game of 12-ketteiban yesterday at a friend's house, everything on powerful except batting on HARD, i was using lotte vs nippon ham fighters. Shimizu pitched 8 strong innings giving up 3 hits and striking out 8, and while darvish yuu held his own for 6 innings with only 4 hits, his bullpen failed at the end. With imaoka at 3rd and saburo at 1st, bennie slaps a single down the middle to score the winning run, and then the bottom of the lineup continued to slap the hell outta thomas, with fukuura and satosaki driving in 2 more, before nishioka flies out to the warning track, just a few metres shy of a HR, with 2 on.

Kobayashi came on in the bottom of the 9th, gave up a hit, satosaki gunned out the runner stealing second, and kobamasa shutted the door. 3-0 final

i'd say HARD was waay to easy in this game, but they varies game to game imo, i was fully concentrated and did not pitch many sloppy pitches. but i think i will bump it up to powerful the next time i go to my friend's house to play some more, hmm...or i should just take his' and play XD~~~
Re: FAQ for Pawapuro 12 Ketteiban Pitching
[ Author: jomcclane | Posted: Dec 21, 2005 9:51 AM ]

Thanks for the help, Shinigami.
Re: FAQ for Pawapuro 12 Ketteiban Pitching
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Dec 21, 2005 11:44 AM | CLM Fan ]

I throw way too many Ks on Hard. The past few games have been pretty interesting. I knocked out Kazumi Saitoh in a couple innings and Shimizu kept Softbank honest with only 2 runs given up. We also knocked out Darvish in an inning because he had purple level condition. Shunsuke completely shut down the injury plagued Nippon Ham team. After that, KobaHiro pitched 12 INNINGS after Nippon Ham kept going after bad balls out of the strike zone. He had a perfect game going until Tsuboi barely hit one over Nishioka in the 7th. The game finished 0-0 afer Kamakura and the bullpen shut us down.

The latest game was a low condition Ono Shingo vs. Rakuten and Ichiba. We lost 3-5 after Ono just couldn't find good locations and movement. Yabuta took over to finish the game with 2 2/3 scoreless innings.

The only real adjustment I'm making right now is to lay off of stealing bases. We have way too many stolen bases right now, because Johjima got injured. We really exposed Taguchi's weak arm in the last series.
Re: FAQ for Pawapuro 12 Ketteiban Pitching
[ Author: Guest | Posted: Dec 21, 2005 2:23 PM ]

hmm, i just realize i made a mess with the names, lol~~~
imae not imaoka, benny not >__<

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