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Spicing Up Pawapuro 12 Ketteiban

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Spicing Up Pawapuro 12 Ketteiban
After not getting realistic batting averages on Pro Yakyu Spirits 2, I'm coming back to Pawapuro. I'm going to be playing Pennant on all Powerful, but I'm using Arrange Mode to spice things up. Here is what I'm planning on doing...

1. Updating rosters with all offseason changes. This means Kosaka, Toyoda, and Noguchi are Giants. Kiyohara goes to Orix. LaRocca goes to Yakult. Tony Batista and others are gone.

2. Changing batting stances. I'm giving Aoki's stance to Suzuki of the Giants. I'm also updating Kokubo's batting stance to something a little less annoying.

3. Creating players in Success Mode like Kaz Ishii, Norihiro Nakamura, Rick Short, Denney Tomori, and Masao Kida.

4. Assuming who goes where. I'm already assuming that Rhodes is going to Orix and Ishii is going to be a Swallow again. Heck, just to make things fun, I may add Sammy Sosa to the Fighters. Hehe.
Re: Spicing Up Pawapuro 12 Ketteiban
[ Author: Guest: Skinz | Posted: Jan 5, 2006 12:02 AM ]

Sammy Sosa? Oh NO!!!

Anyway, I'm doing the same in Pro Yakyuu Spirits 2. I created Grabowski, rick short, Tom Davey (why isn't he in the game),Nakamura, Ishii (just in case he plays for a Japanese team), oxspring and more.

Hey, Bigman, what stats are you giving to the new players?

I gave Nakamura the same stats from Pawapuro 11 (fall version) since I didn't see him play in the states.

Grabowski CDEECD with Arch 3

Rick Short CCDEEE Arch 3

Joe Diilon CBCDDD Arch 5

And I gave the rest of players that were not in Pro Yakyuu Spirits 2 ie: Inaba, Kenji Yano, Tom Davey the same stats from Pawapuro 12 (fall version)

Re: Spicing Up Pawapuro 12 Ketteiban
[ Author: Guest: skinz | Posted: Jan 5, 2006 12:03 AM ]

Oh those ratings for Grabowski, rick short, and Joe Dillon are based on their minor league stats not their Major league stats.
Re: Spicing Up Pawapuro 12 Ketteiban
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Jan 5, 2006 5:29 AM | CLM Fan ]

This is just batting, but I'd give Grabs F meet and C power with 3 arch, Short gets B meet and C power with 3 arch. Nakamura should be fine with those Pawapuro 11 numbers. I did the same thing. He'll top at around 30 HRs and 80 RBIs with a .280 AVG.

Rick Short definitely deserves a meet of B. He batted over .380 in AAA, then went 6 for 14 in the majors. He also got B meet in Pawapuro 10.
Re: Spicing Up Pawapuro 12 Ketteiban
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Jan 5, 2006 5:32 AM | CLM Fan ]

Oh, the only difference with Nakamura is that I gave him the ability to be 1B, too. Overall, he should be really good at defense at 3B, though. People who saw him play in Las Vegas were shocked at how good his defense was.
Re: Spicing Up Pawapuro 12 Ketteiban
[ Author: Guest: skinz | Posted: Jan 5, 2006 6:00 AM ]

Yeah, I was thinking to give Short B meet but I wasn't really sure about it. Why did you give Grabowski F meet? He only played 52 games in the Dodgers AAA team and had 56 hits in 181 at bats with a average of .309

I'm guessing you based it on the MLB games he played where he had 18 hits in 112 at bats.

I think I might change his stats to E meet C power arch 3 to average both his minor league and major stats.
Re: Spicing Up Pawapuro 12 Ketteiban
[ Author: Guest: John Brooks | Posted: Jan 5, 2006 7:58 AM ]

"I'm guessing you based it on the MLB games he played where he had 18 hits in 112 at bats."

Grabowski has always had great stats in the minors, though he hasn't been able to transfer that around into success in the major league level. Grabowski has always been a gap power hitter, with power to the gaps in the minors.
Re: Spicing Up Pawapuro 12 Ketteiban
[ Author: Guest: John Brooks | Posted: Jan 5, 2006 7:53 AM ]

"1. Updating rosters with all offseason changes. This means Kosaka, Toyoda, and Noguchi are Giants. Kiyohara goes to Orix. LaRocca goes to Yakult. Tony Batista and others are gone."

Just like I used to do with the MLB series, ought to be a lot of fun. Sikorski for example is gone now, Powell is a Giant, Jose Fernandez is a Eagle, Davey is with Orix, and Bowers is with the Eagles.

"3. Creating players in Success Mode like Kaz Ishii, Norihiro Nakamura, Rick Short, Denney Tomori, and Masao Kida."

There's also Lions first baseman Jeff Liefer, Eagles starting pitcher Lin Ying-chieh, and Hawks starting pitcher D.J. Carrasco to top on top of the list of new players.

"4. Assuming who goes where. I'm already assuming that Rhodes is going to Orix and Ishii is going to be a Swallow again. Heck, just to make things fun, I may add Sammy Sosa to the Fighters. Hehe."

I used to that with Hardball 99. Rhodes is assumed to go with Orix, Ishii is assumed to go to either Yakult or Nippon Ham, there's is talk that Dan Serafini could go to Orix. Sosa with the Fighters please don't tell me you will do that, as a Orioles fan oh no, tell me you are kidding. Sosa just wouldn't belong there, he was bad enough to watch in 2005. Though there were rumors flying around about Sosa playing for Nippon Ham, though I don't see it happening.

Re: Spicing Up Pawapuro 12 Ketteiban
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Jan 5, 2006 4:22 PM | CLM Fan ]

Ha. The Sosa thing was a joke.

I did something REALLY cool in Success Mode while making Suzuki. I did a dashing grab with Tomozawa and finished with a jumping Derek Jeter style throw to first to barely get the out. In all the games I've played, I've never done that. Too bad there isn't a replay function in Success.

Also, I created Kokubo with Hiyama's batting stance. The default one they gave him doesn't look too pretty.
Re: Spicing Up Pawapuro 12 Ketteiban
[ Author: Guest: skinz | Posted: Jan 6, 2006 1:27 AM ]

Does anyone have stats for Eagles starting pitcher Lin Ying-chieh? I wan to create him put I don't even know his stats or how the guy looks like.
Re: Spicing Up Pawapuro 12 Ketteiban
[ Author: Guest: John Brooks | Posted: Jan 6, 2006 3:16 AM ]

Lin Ying-chieh

W-L 12-10
ERA- 2.34
BB- 43
K- 174
Hits Allowed- 182
Runs- 77
Earned Runs- 55
CG- 3
Shutouts- 1
Games- 31

Height/Weight- 185cm/86kg
Re: Spicing Up Pawapuro 12 Ketteiban
[ Author: Guest: Skinz | Posted: Jan 6, 2006 4:14 AM ]

Thanks Brook
Re: Spicing Up Pawapuro 12 Ketteiban
[ Author: Guest: skinz | Posted: Jan 6, 2006 4:23 AM ]

Any chance you know what pitches he throws?

Re: Spicing Up Pawapuro 12 Ketteiban
[ Author: Guest: John Brooks | Posted: Jan 6, 2006 8:18 AM ]

Lin has a 145/km plus fastball, and a devastating slider. Lin is a left handed pitcher, and bats left. Lin was born on May 1, 1981.
Re: Spicing Up Pawapuro 12 Ketteiban
[ Author: Guest: kidace | Posted: Jan 7, 2006 5:16 AM ]

hey bigman cool i saw the jeter jumping throw once in 10 then never saw it again is that a locked motion or will i see it again.
also do you know what the stars are in the scouting screen on players i scouted a 5 star player but he onlyu had one dot in his pitch and one pitch,will i be able to raise his pitches dots and get more pitches
Re: Spicing Up Pawapuro 12 Ketteiban
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Jan 7, 2006 7:31 AM | CLM Fan ]

I believe the stars stand for potential to get better. That's why a lot of the older industrial players can have good stats but very low stars.

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Michael Westbay
(aka westbaystars)

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