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Success Mode

Discussion in the Video Games forum
Success Mode
I suppose i will separate this into a new thread, coz success mode didn't really have much to do with HR derby (altho that post's already off topic for so long >__>)

BZM: about 160 regularly, it is possible, but it requires a lot of planning before-hand, and it can only happen in pro test scenario, the two other scenarios wont get u there.

I assume u're playing 12K right? in that case, u gotta have a 4 in 1 facility (works best if it's a conbini or sports gym, but a department store/shopping mall/mizzoto/batting center would also be good enuff). The special facility (in this case if u dun need daijobu, then it's hot spring + dungeon, altho dungeon's gone after one use) in the 10th and 11th block of the town.

an ideal town to make a pitcher should be: a 4 in 1 convenient store, a sport gym, a mizzoto, a batting center, a theme park and a department store. (for batter change 4 in 1 conbini to sport gym, and have 1 small conbini) And of coz hot spring and dungeon/daijobu lab on the outskirt of the town. It's pretty dumb that the mansion doesn't have any effects on the 10th and 11th block of the town, so those two spots are only useful for the special facilities. Of coz all these facilities should be in their highest rank, so u earn a lot more when u do part time, and better chances of getting special skills.

the thing that's tasty about pro test scenario is that u're basically getting A HELL LOT of experience points in matches if u have the money (and u should). one thing that's good about 12K is that if u're strikeout-call on the original characters, u will get double the exp, while u only get 1.5 in pawapuro12. if u choose a 3 star stadium, be captain, and is successful in ur strikeout-call, u can get like 100 exp just by winning the match (it's easier to get the strikeout-call with non-capt tho, and the exp is even better if u got the mikaeri glove, also the chances to get special skills: nobi4, kire4, vs lefties4...etc)

but to get a town like this it requires tons of patience and resetting and such (it's extremely hard to not get a mansion but a special facility to pop up in those outskirt blocks, meaning multiple resets)

i've seen people who's gotten a 155 BB(or AA) total changes 10 (3 direction) pitcher playing it normally on pro test. so if they took off a few practices here and there on the change-speed pitches, it's possible to get to 160. heck, those japanese people seems to have 165km/h pitcher as their closers >__>

it takes too much time and luck and patience to get the town right, and u still gotta use the memory card trick if ur town falls apart while u're making ur insane pitcher. i am satisfied with my 149-152, BB, souhen 10 (direction 2 or 3) that doesn't require me to reset.
Re: Success Mode
[ Author: Guest: Shinigami | Posted: Feb 22, 2006 9:38 AM ]

Just made my very first super player on success mode, without any help from DJ, on protest

everything went pretty smoothly, got the strikeout thing on 2 of 3 done'able characters.

ending stats -

152km, Stamina 152, Control 184, H Slider 5, C Change 4, H Shuuto 1, Kire 4, MFB, vs pinch, vs lefties, heavy ball, reflex, 'stronger as the game proceeds' skill

gonna try a 155 BB next

and if it's successful, and i see DJ in, i might get a 157 km AA guy...

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