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Official PYS3 Release Day Thread

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Official PYS3 Release Day Thread
Alright, let me say this. This game is everything you expected AND THEN SOME. I didn't want to spoil myself and play all the teams in exhibition so I went right into Maji Pennant with Chiba. Here are things I've observed, and commentary on my first game against Softbank.

-You automatically get 100,000 VP points for having PYS2 data. I bought the Giants holiday uniform and alternate Marines uniforms with them.

Ok, so I started the game and IMMEDIATELY felt differences. It's like a whole new game. The real dageki point system is the most genius thing to come to yakyu games in a long time. Fork balls drop like nobody's business. Fastballs also get out of the zone if you're not careful. It makes pitching and hitting on both sides even tougher. You need to be more careful pitching and your batting needs to be solid. I'm actually having a challenge with analog batting, which was impossible before. Here is how my game is going.

First thing, DON'T PAY ATTENTION TO THE VIDEOS ON THE SITE!!! They totally underwhelm what this game truly is. I knew it was undersold right when I saw Nishioka's hair waving when he stepped into the batter's box.

1st inning...

I hit a single with Nishioka after making Saitoh pitch a handful of times. I followed that up with a perfect bunt by Imae and advanced Nishioka to second. Hashimoto then hit a single to bring in Nishioka. I thought the game was going to be easy after that. Yeah right!

On the Softbank side of things, I notice Ohmura, Kawasaki, and Miyaji have their own batting stances. The new batting/pitching forms are ridiculously good.

Imae looks totally different from the promo video and looks like he does in real life! PRAISE THE LORD!

Konami went so crazy as to give Fukuura a new realistic stance. The game has reached a level of realism I couldn't even understand until I played the game.

I'm in the 4th inning now and it's 1-0. Saitoh and Shimizu are having a battle of the aces. I'll let you know more later.

Re: Official PYS3 Release Day Thread
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Apr 6, 2006 9:38 AM | CLM Fan ]

Alright, more awesome news for you guys. That bouncing Chiba Lotte crowd in the Xbox video? It's in PS2, baby! Hahaha! Talk about a burn.

Ended up winning the game 1-0. Softbank got 6 hits and we got 3 hits. I hit a lot of weak grounders, and I'll chalk that up to not being used to the real dageki system. Anyway, if I could only get 3 hits, you can understand how different it is. You REALLY have to hit the ball on the seams to get power, unlike when you hit doubles all the time in PYS2.

All the players feel very true to life. Honma for Softbank even had a perfect batting stance. Yeesh.

Defensive shifts seem like they're important. I missed a couple double plays because I forgot. Ohmura got a single in the 9th because we shifted for him to slap the ball and he pulled it perfectly. After that, Kawasaki bunted him over. Shimizu then struck out Cabrera and Matsunaka came on with the huge drama. In the end, we got him to go after a high outside slider and he grounded to second to end the game. Shimizu got the shutout.

I'm guessing once I get used to the batting system, I'll increase difficulty and find a very nice balance.
Re: Official PYS3 Release Day Thread
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Apr 6, 2006 9:39 AM | CLM Fan ]

Strike outs are now hard to get, by the way. You really have to make great pitches to get them.
Re: Official PYS3 Release Day Thread
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Apr 6, 2006 9:58 AM | CLM Fan ]

I get this weird feeling that they changed the timing for batting, because I've yet to really get a hold of a power hit. Even on those fat mistake pitches, I've grounded out, so I'll probably have to hit the training mode.
Re: Official PYS3 Release Day Thread
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Apr 6, 2006 11:41 AM | CLM Fan ]

Ok, timing hasn't changed, since I confirmed in batting practice. I think real dageki mode is tough on middle speed because the ball breaks at the last second and make you hit lots of weak grounders. It's actually sort of annoying, so I'll bring down the speed. If the hits and power hits don't get better, I'll just go back to my old PYS2 settings. Those were...

Pitch speed: Basic(for getting walks and fouling off pitches)

Difficulty: Perfect

Controller: Digital
Re: Official PYS3 Release Day Thread
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Apr 6, 2006 12:24 PM | CLM Fan ]

Good news for everyone. I wasn't hitting anything well on real dageki point, even on basic speed. I switched it back to my normal digital pad PYS2 style cursor and I batted fine. I was bummed, because I thought that now I have to go back to PYS2 style pitching in which I have way too much control and don't throw walks or bean balls. Wrong. That's the default setting for pitching. Awesome job by Konami.

Also, here's a tip for guys who don't know Japanese. Press and hold the pitching button until the cursor is red. After that, pitch how you normally would. This is full power pitching, and it takes up more stamina than normal pitching, but it's way more effective at getting people out. This isn't a great device on easier levels, but once you start facing the tough batters on high difficulty, it can come in handy.
Re: Official PYS3 Release Day Thread
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Apr 6, 2006 1:06 PM | CLM Fan ]

Other little things that make the game great.

-Clock in the pause menu to track the "virtual time" of the game you're playing.

-Tons of new scenes when players make great plays.

-Backhand ability that allows players to throw the ball backhanded. Koichi Hori has this.

-Apparently there are allstar only scenes, which is what that Shinjo screenshot on the official page is.

-Options are very detailed now. You can tweak difficulty for every part of the game, like Pawapuro.

I've moved difficulty up to Perfect, since I wasn't feeling threatened enough by power batters.
Re: Official PYS3 Release Day Thread
[ Author: Guest: gx9901 | Posted: Apr 6, 2006 2:36 PM ]

I bought PYS2 last year and was blown away by how much better looking it is than the US baseball games. I also thought it played pretty good. However I had a couple of issues with the game after playing it for a while. Are these things corrected with PYS3?

-HR's are way too hard to come by. I used the "Lock-On" setting (I don't have a prayer of hitting anything on the normal setting) I end up with a team full of .350+ batters, but only the guys with an "A" power rating or higher can come close to hitting HR's. Has PYS3 improved in this aspect or do I just suck at hitting HR's? To me a good baseball sim will allow the occasional HR to even the least powerful batters. In PYS2 it just doesn't seem remotely possible.

-No user controlled instant replay. I kind of wished they had user controlled instant replay. I've gotten used to it being a standard part of almost all US sports games. Does PYS3 have it?

I've pre-ordered Netsu-Sta 2006 in hopes that the batting results would be more realistic and HR's occur in a more realistic frequency. However I certainly would get PYS3 if the batting results realism has improved or if the Namco game isn't good.

Thanks for any insights to my questions.
Re: Official PYS3 Release Day Thread
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Apr 6, 2006 4:42 PM | CLM Fan ]

1. You could just suck at hitting homers. Anyway, it sounds like the style you need is more down Pawapuro's alley, though Netsu is a lot like that, too.

2. Replays still aren't there to be controlled.
Re: Official PYS3 Release Day Thread
[ Author: Guest: gx9901 | Posted: Apr 6, 2006 11:50 PM ]

Thanks for the reply to my questions.
I may yet pickup PYS3 down the road this year. Netsu Sta just shipped for me so hopefully I'll be playing that in a few weeks. If it's not to my liking I'll certainly head back to Pro Yakyu Spirits and try to get better at hitting HR's.
Re: Official PYS3 Release Day Thread
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Apr 6, 2006 4:44 PM | CLM Fan ]

Still tweaking settings, guys. I think I'm heading back to hard mode tomorrow, because I gave up 15+ hits on a regular basis. Also, my hits with the direction pad aren't too amazing, either. I need more mistake pitches and walks. I'm done for the night now, though. Hope you guys enjoy your games. I'm burned out right now. Hehe.
Re: Official PYS3 Release Day Thread
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Apr 6, 2006 4:46 PM | CLM Fan ]

Oh, and Fukuura's injured for a month. In the game, not real life. Thank God.
Re: Official PYS3 Release Day Thread
[ Author: Guest: Skinz | Posted: Apr 6, 2006 10:52 PM ]

Glad you got the game, Big.

Is hitting foul balls better than last years version? I hated that aspect from last year because I hardly hit enough foul balls.

Power pitching? I like the sound of that.

Please tell me there are more songs for batters this time around, Fuukura and Benny are my favorites but I want more songs that I never heard before.

I won't pick it up this month, I'm gonna try out Major league Pawapuro since I never played Pawapuro, but If Pawapuro doesn't fit me I'm headed to PYS3.

Keep us updated!!
Re: Official PYS3 Release Day Thread
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Apr 7, 2006 1:37 AM | CLM Fan ]

There are a few more chance songs and stuff, but overall I haven't heard that much. I've only played pennant, so I've only seen Lotte, Nippon Ham, Seibu, and Softbank so far. I can tell you what I've heard so far. I've heard new crowd cheers for Nishioka, Imae, Saburo, Kawasaki, Ohmura, Shinjo...bah, probably forgetting more.

One thing I really wish they had was the Chiba Lotta cheer where they go CHIBA!!! LOTTE!! MA RIIIIINZU! They also don't have the whistles the crowds use at Lotte games. Oh, and Satozaki's batting stance isn't very good. It doesn't look like how he sets up in real life, and he doesn't pull his shoulder before setting up. That REALLY disappointed me.

Foul balls are about the game. Don't expect the game to give you foul balls. You gotta make them happen on your own. I find there are way more foul balls with control pad batting, because the reaction time is slower. There's more desperation to foul one off.

Re: Official PYS3 Release Day Thread
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Apr 7, 2006 5:57 AM | CLM Fan ]

About the same, I meant.
Re: Official PYS3 Release Day Thread
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Apr 7, 2006 5:56 AM | CLM Fan ]

Ok, so here are my current settings.

Pitch speed: Basic(to recognize balls and strikes better, also for hitting with power more)

Control: Analog

CPU Pitching: Hard
CPU Batting: Perfect
CPU Running: Perfect
CPU Defense: Hard

I crushed the Buffaloes and an out of shape Tom Davey for a 10+ run blowout with these settings. Davey gave up a lot of walks and then gave up runs on big hits. Benny had a grand slam.

I was worried it was too easy after that, but then we only got 6 hits on an in shape Mitsuhara and Orix bullpen the following game, only getting a single run via Matt Franco solo shot.

Perfect level CPU batting makes you think about pitching more and makes you careful of the strike zone. This can lead to giving up walks, so I'm sticking with this setting. The important thing is to get perfect timing on pitch releases, because if you release poorly, they'll light you up.

Konami fixed analog batting in a big way. If you hit the ball hard right on the seams with a mediocre player, he will hit a fly ball right into the glove of a defender most of the time. Also, it's important that you guys learn how to use both X and O buttons for batting. This is the only way you'll be able to hit some pitches. Use X for inside power batting and O for power batting on the outer part of the strike zone. In my opinion, it doesn't really matter which button you use for contact hitting.
Re: Official PYS3 Release Day Thread
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Apr 7, 2006 8:58 AM | CLM Fan ]

Yep, these settings are the perfect balance for me as of right now. Played against Rakuten, and it was Iwakuma vs. Shunsuke.

Iwakuma had a perfect game going for 4 innings, until Franco hit a double and was brought home by Saburo. Meanwhile, Shunsuke was giving up a few basehits, but got out of a couple jams. Unfortunately, Short and Fernandez hit a couple singles and Yoshioka brought them home on a monster homerun.

Iwakuma still pitches well, but you can tell he's getting tired after giving up a couple more hits. His control is going down and he's throwing more balls. In the bottom of the 7th, Franco hits a leadoff double, and Morozumi pinch runs for him. Imae hits a long fly to right and Morozumi tags up to third. Then Saburo hits a soft grounder up the middle to bring in another run. Chiba is down 2-3.

In the top of the 8th, Rakuten gets another run on a tired Shunsuke. Shunsuke loses a bit of control, gives up a couple hits, and a walk. Komiyama, who has been amazing in the bullpen so far, is brought in with bases loaded and 1 out. He gives up a single, but it's only good for a run. After that, he grounds out Jose Fernandez into a 6-4-3 double play.

Bottom of the ninth for Chiba Lotte and this is where it got good. After losing his sharpness due to fatigue, Iwakuma comes out and Fukumori comes in to get the save. The heart of the order is coming up to bat for Chiba. Satozaki waits for a good pitch to hit and he hits a leadoff double to right center. Franco is then walked by Fukumori on a bunch of poorly placed pitches. Benny is next and with the way Fukumori was pitching, it was bound to happen. 3 RUN GYAKUTEN SAYONARA HOMERUN! Chiba Lotte wins 5-4.

Benny is a fan of dramatics, because his only homeruns are a grand slam and come from behind walk off homer.

So anyway, I wrote this report to give you an idea of the game balance. Iwakuma was rocking for 8 innings, but that bullpen failed him miserably. Just like the real Rakuten Eagles.
Re: Official PYS3 Release Day Thread
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Apr 7, 2006 7:26 PM | CLM Fan ]

Restarted pennant in the Central League with the Giants, because I've been playing around with settings the whole time and my overall stats were jacked up with Chiba. I'm a stat freak, so I just couldn't do it anymore.

Anyway, I found myself hitting way too many doubles on hard level, so I've increased to Perfect level in hopes that mistake pitches are less frequent. Also, I'm trying to use full power pitching to even out my pitching stats. I gave up 10 hits with Uehara in 6 innings without using it, so I'm trying to figure out how to use it in a realistic manner.
Re: Official PYS3 Release Day Thread
[ Author: Guest: goisles01 | Posted: Apr 9, 2006 7:45 AM ]

Do the giants have all their new uniforms?
Re: Official PYS3 Release Day Thread
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Apr 9, 2006 7:51 AM | CLM Fan ]

So far I've seen the white one that's in the promo pics/videos and the black road uniform. I also unlocked the holiday uniform in VP Shop.
Re: Official PYS3 Release Day Thread
[ Author: Guest: goisles01 | Posted: Apr 9, 2006 8:48 AM ]

so you should be able to use the holiday uniform in pennant?
Re: Official PYS3 Release Day Thread
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Apr 9, 2006 9:22 AM | CLM Fan ]

No reason why not. I just don't know when it'll show up. Maybe in interleague or something.

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Michael Westbay
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