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Netsu Sta First Impressions

Discussion in the Video Games forum
Netsu Sta First Impressions
Here's a list of what I've noticed so far after playing a little.

-Faces and textures have been improved, but not nearly as much as those first pics they showed. Namco pretty much tried to fool us all with that one.

-Opening video uses real clips from the 2006 season with CG altering. Pretty fun and cool opening.

-During my game, the announcer read off a letter from a fan about Uehara while Uehara was pitching. Nice little touch, since live broadcasts are always like that. The announcing is a lot better than Spirits in ways like this. I get this feeling that the announcer is going to be reading the same letter everytime Uehara pitches, though.

-Unfortunately, the defense is pretty much the same. This includes awkward animations and that funky diving animation. Catching flyballs is also the same.

-Gameplay hasn't changed much at all, as far as I can tell. However, the ball does jump off the bat better.

-Batting stances are still pretty awkward, and players are still chunky.

-Sound isn't very good. Some of the fight songs sound awkward.

Sorry for all the mostly indifferent news, Namco fans. This is just really underwhelming after playing Spirits.
Re: Netsu Sta First Impressions
[ Author: localboy | Posted: Apr 7, 2006 3:17 PM ]

bigman, does pro spirits have different cameras for fielding. For me I like a higher view of the field. Like netsu. thanks
Re: Netsu Sta First Impressions
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Apr 7, 2006 7:24 PM | CLM Fan ]

I checked this right after reading your message and yes, there is a higher up wide view for defense. This is a brand new camera angle for PYS3.
Re: Netsu Sta First Impressions
[ Author: Guest: gx9901 | Posted: Apr 8, 2006 1:34 AM ]

So would you say this isn't that much improved over Baseball Live 2005? I never played that game except for briefly at kiosks in Akihabara last year while trying to decide between it and PYS2. I decided on PYS2 because of the superior graphics and the fielding mechanism (4 buttons correspond to bases).

My copy of Netsu Sta has shipped so I guess I'll give that a whirl before deciding on whether or not to get PYS3 also. As I mentioned in the other thread, I like PYS but kept wishing for more realistic batting average (needs to be lower) and HR (needs to be A LOT higher) outputs.
Re: Netsu Sta First Impressions
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Apr 8, 2006 2:46 AM | CLM Fan ]

Homeruns seem just fine for me. Maybe you should hit the batting practice mode.
Re: Netsu Sta First Impressions
[ Author: Guest: gx9901 | Posted: Apr 8, 2006 8:58 AM ]

Well, I have a heck of a time hitting HR's in batting practice mode too. I could only get HR's with guys that has "S" or "A" power ratings and I've never been able to hit an opposite field HR anywhere in the game (practice or game).
It's probably just that I suck at it but I've played it a fair amount of time and I don't think I'm that bad at hitting in PYS2.
Sorry for keep bringing up the HR issue for me in PYS2, but that's the one thing that keeps me from really loving the otherwise awesome game and prompted me to give Namco's game a try first this year.
Re: Netsu Sta First Impressions
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Apr 8, 2006 12:03 PM | CLM Fan ]

Use O button for an opposite field shot, but only go for those when the pitch is outside.

I dunno what else to tell you, though. I just hit 2 in a game with Shimizu for the Giants, and he has C power. The first was a line drive pull homer and the other was an opposite field fly that barely left.

Re: Netsu Sta First Impressions
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Apr 9, 2006 4:49 AM | CLM Fan ]

A little while after I posted my reply to you, I hit a homerun by the Giants' relief pitcher, Hayashi. That should answer your question as to whether weaker hitters can hit homers now. I also hit one with farm hand Kawanaka. Both just BARELY made it out, and I made ridiculous contact with Hayashi. It was a hanging breaking ball inside.
Re: Netsu Sta First Impressions
[ Author: Guest: gx9901 | Posted: Apr 9, 2006 1:58 PM ]

Cool. Looks like I need A LOT more practice. I have such a hard time hitting HR's in the game even with "Lock On" batting against middle speed pitching. Thanks for all your replies. The PSP Pawapro I ordered from Play-Asia arrived with a $5 off coupon. I'm really tempted to use it on PYS3.

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