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PawaMajor's Success mode

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PawaMajor's Success mode
I finally got Pawamajor and played it just last night to see how its like. And I loved it, can't get enough of using Ichiro in the game. Anyways, I know I will be playing this game a lot and I don't want to only play Exhibition. My question is, would it be too difficult for me to play Success mode because I dont know how to read japanese?
Re: PawaMajor
[ Author: Guest: Shinigami | Posted: May 31, 2006 10:53 PM ]

go ahead and try it and see how u think of it. Success mode requires a certain degrees of japanese language, but if u dun care about the story, then just by learning all the basic commands u should get thru most of it without much problem...

I never had problems with it (coz i know some japanese), so I cant tell u how difficult it's gonna be.
Re: PawaMajor
[ Author: EL Lion | Posted: Jun 1, 2006 7:18 AM ]

Thanks for the reply. I tried it last night though. And I spent maybe an hour just tapping the O button. Played some games though, enjoyed how they jump to your at-bat, but I would've loved to play Defense. Also, how do I earn skill points? Can you just tell me how so I am not tapping O for no reason? Everytime I do the training, I don't see improvement in the stats on the bottom of the screen. I only seen a couple of improvements but it wasn't a high increase. Am I supposed to have this fire symbol next to my picture in order to gain attributes? Cause that was the only time I improved I think.
Re: PawaMajor
[ Author: Guest: Shinigami | Posted: Jun 1, 2006 8:59 AM ]

those are points u get to increase ur attributes/stats.

The 2nd last option (left to right) on the main option screen is where u should go to increase ur stats.

Training itself just gains u points, not the stats itself.

the points u can obtain from trainings are:

muscle, skill, agility, break pitches, mental

each stats requires a different sets of these points to increase. like for arch and meet u need muscle + skill, power u need muscle, running speed - agility + skill, throwing strength - muscle, skill agility...etc

the fire is a new system in pawamajor called the 'guts system'. U can get a guts whenever u do guts training (this is, also, in pawamajor, the mental training).

the more guts u got (5 max), the better results u get from trainings. think it's 1 guts - 2x exp, 2 - 3.4x exp, 3 - 4.8x exp, 4 - 6.2x exp, 5 - 7.6 exp

u get guts from doing guts training and also from events (the more routine events are winning matches gets u +1 guts, losing -1, and getting a salary on the first week of each months, then there are other events and items u can use to increase guts as well)

anyways, gotta go now, if u got any more questions, just post here, and i will try my best to answer them.
Re: PawaMajor
[ Author: jomcclane | Posted: Jun 1, 2006 9:12 AM ]

I too found this helpful. Thanks Shinigami.

I might just have to give Success Mode a go. Maybe I'll be able to create Thome and Bonds myself...
Re: PawaMajor
[ Author: EL Lion | Posted: Jun 1, 2006 10:57 AM ]

By the 2nd option, do you mean the home option? Man, I am still super confused and just tapping O yet I still cant increase hit stats. SOrry for being such a newb.
Re: PawaMajor
[ Author: Guest: shingami | Posted: Jun 1, 2006 1:11 PM ]

in the main success game option when u choose what u wanna do

the menu goes like this (from left to right)

practice - private - item - data - increase - setup

*In practice

for fielders
muscle training - batting practice - base running - throwing practice - defense - guts

for pitchers
pitching - control - stamina - breaking pitch - defense - guts

(guts training - u get this after first week in american dream mode, 2nd month in samurai scenario)

*In private

rest - part-time - hospital

rest - rest to recover ur health
part-time - to earn money. There's 5 jobs randomly every time u choose this action. There's:

Dr. Naomi's lab, pizza resturant, gasoline station, faison item shop, construction area

hospital u can find dr. naomi to cure any of ur bad status...e.g. bad tooth, love sickness, sleeplessness...etc

*In item
item held - item shop
under item held:
equipment - consumable items

the other three dun really need much explanation

In data once u click in u will see all ur stats
In increase u increase ur character's stats and attributes
In set up u can choose to save&quit this session, give up on this character.

These are just off my heads, position could be wrong tho.
Re: PawaMajor
[ Author: EL Lion | Posted: Jun 1, 2006 1:19 PM ]

Yeah i tried success mode again and the icon you told me about in the first post was there the second time. It's weird how it wasnt there the first time I played. Anyways, long story short, my player still sucks lol. But thanks again for the help. I didnt know about the part-time job. I just randomly tapped O there.
Re: PawaMajor
[ Author: Guest: Shinigami | Posted: Jun 1, 2006 1:53 PM ]

In the beginning when u're making ur character (skin color, battting stance...etc), they will ask if u wanna increase manually or auto. Maybe u chose auto last time...but then i doubt it, coz if u chose auto then u should see constant increase in ur stats.

if u're making a fielder, then i'd say ur first choice is to upgrade batting powers so u can perform better in match.
Re: PawaMajor
[ Author: Guest: James | Posted: Jun 2, 2006 5:37 AM ]

I just received my copy in the mail yesterday.

I'm only interested in the Success Mode and then playing my created character through a full season in the Pennant Mode to increase his stats.

Since I'm only hoping to make a power hitting, monster all-star first baseman, are there any good tips that you could provide during the story mode?

I was thinking of maybe some special calendar events, easy ways to obtain better equipment to improve workouts, stuff like that.

Thanks. :o)
Re: PawaMajor
[ Author: Guest: Shinigami | Posted: Jun 2, 2006 11:41 AM ]

Lemme post up some of the events u will see each time in the game

I suppose u can read the date? It should be at the bottom left of the screen, showing the month and then the week. 4 weeks every month.

match-games that u get to play in the beginning of every 4th week of the month (before u get to choose any commands on the 4th week)

season goes from april to september.

basically u wont be able to play in games (not starting nor benched) for the first two week. If u're in practices that ur manager is in, then u might be able to be on the bench from game 3 on, otherwise u might get in in future games. There shouldn't be much problem of ur character playing in games if u just keep on practicing, even in places without ur manager.

u get salary every 1st week of each month. Salary differs depending on the team u're on. Will talk abou that later.

Err...not much time left, will talk in more details later, lemme just layout the important dates:

yr 1
march week 1 - start of game
march week 2 - implementation of guts system (american mode), implementation of meal system (samurai)
march week 4 - opening day - first match

apr week 1 - salary
apr week 2 - implementation of guts system (samurai)
apr week 4 - matchday

may week 1 - salary
may week 4 - matchday
same for june, july, august
(june week ? - meets G-san aka Glen Sandburg)

sept week 1 - salary
sept week 4 - final matchday (vs blackjacks for all team, vs golems if using blackjacks)

oct week 1 until nov week 2 - sandstorm league. match in the start of nov week 2.

A Fall camp for the potential players in the league. In this meantime u wont be able to rest, it's all training thruout. If during this camp u train every week (no guts training), and dun get urself injured, u will receive 36 exp for every category, and will receive attribute 'injury 4'. So make sure u bring as many health recovering items on sept week 4 before going to the camp.

Nov week 3 and 4 - self-training sessions.

dec week 1 - heard mountain training from yaben. Go, or not go.

if yes, then dec week 1 to week 4 will be in mountain, fighting bears. If lose to bear, will be back in city, and spend 2 months in hospital (also paying a fee for staying in hospital)

if no, dec week 1 till week 4 - self training

jan week 1 - pay $200 rent. decide to go home or not

if yes, then jan week 1 and 2 at home. otherwise the two weeks are just self training as well...

jumps to march week 1

yr 2
march week 1 - training camp.....

Will finish later, plus details in bear event and home event and the rest of yr 2.
Re: PawaMajor
[ Author: Guest: James | Posted: Jun 4, 2006 10:50 AM ]

Great post Shinigami, I printed what you wrote and it's making quite the handy guide.

Please keep them coming if you've got the time and post some more. :o)
Re: PawaMajor
[ Author: Guest: Shinigami | Posted: Jun 5, 2006 12:58 AM ]

Been having fun during the weekend and didn't even get much time on computer. Only watched the rakuten-dragons game on saturday before i went out (just got home first time for like 2 days XD)

Will try to post up some more stuffs tomolo morning (night right now in HKG)
Re: PawaMajor
[ Author: Guest: James | Posted: Jun 5, 2006 3:26 AM ]

I've got a quick question to ask if you don't mind, Shinigami.

How does my character clear each season in the story mode? Right now, I'm in my second year and I think that in the games he has played so far, he's batted 0 for 12 overall. I'm still awaiting his first hit. :o/

I'm not finding any menus that shows either the team's or manager's opinion of my player.

Am I missing something on this?
Re: PawaMajor
[ Author: Guest: Shingami | Posted: Jun 5, 2006 12:41 PM ]

I actually aint really sure as well on the season seems that if u win all ur month matches, u will end up champs even before the sept match, and if u lost once, then u will need to beat blackjacks in the final match to secure the championship spot...i never really bother with it...just play it and do everything for ur team to win. But it's really a lot easier to win matches with blackjacks bcoz of the quality in the side, and also it's waay easier for u to win in the president cup as well.

To see comments of ur teammates and coach, press square in the practice screens. The better their comments, the easier to activate guts link.

ok, let's complete the unfinished business now...

yr 1

apr week 1 - part-time job option activated.
apr week 2 - pizza restarant job added to part-time job
apr week 3 - dr naomi's lab added to part-time job, hospital option activated

alrite, season 2!

march week 1 -> march week 3 - spring training camp
march week 4 - season opener
apr week 1 - salary
apr week 4 - matchday
sept week 4 - final game of season

if ur team finishes first at the end of the season, u will get to enter the president cup, which is a tournament with the division winners of MLB, a team from japan a team from another amateur league, and winner of the paradise league (ur league).

So, if u finishes first at the end of the season, u will get in.

President cup will be two extra matches, first rd match vs a japanese team - which will either be the ikari keysers or ganjo powerfuls.

then 2nd match (finals) will be against one of the MLB teams, which I think should be a random team, even tho I did play the Padres twice in a row...

these two matches are very very important if u want to make good players, coz if u win the 1st rd match, u get +30 exp for everything, and then if u win the finals, then it's +60 exp (2/3 of exp if u have rookie charm). However, note that if u lose in the first rd, u wont be able to finish ur character, and wont be able to register/save him as a complete character to put in ur arrange teams, even tho he will still be wandering around in the paradise league from now on as an unsuccessful character.

If u finish first place, before president cup starts, u will be told by the scout that the mlb team u selected at the beginning is willing to sign u, but u will need to leave the team before president cup starts. First option is to stay with the team and play thru the president cup (which will get u extra exp), and 2nd option is to leave team and sign with the mlb team. If u're afraid u will lose in the 1st rd of president cup, then u can just select option 2 here and finish ur character. If u have confidence u will win at least the first match, then u should choose option 1 i'd say.

If ur team doesn't finish first place at the end, and u've performed well enuff, the scout will still contact u to sign u. If the scout's opinion of u is below a certain point (meaning u dun do well in matches, and when the scout comes to watch practice, u dun perform well (no links with other players), u will have to get in thru a try-out camp to get in (fielders - batting test, pitchers - pitching test, qualify points depends on scout's opinion. What I've seen is if the scout's opinion of u is very poor, u will need 20 pts to qualify.)

This is basically the general flow of the game. More on the other stuffs later...

Bear Event -
If u choose to go to the mountain to train, u will be unable to choose any options, but to stay in the mountains to train. And in the mountain, all u will do is to fight bears. There are a few types of bears - the baby ones, the big one, and a king bear. When u encounter a bear, u will get 4 options, iirc they're 1) act dead 2) look at it 3) fight 4) runaway

honestly i've never chosen 1) or 4), i suppose u will leave the mountain immediately if u choose 4, and will be able to get thru this bear without fighting it if u choose 1...2) looking at it have no meaning, u will just go back to the 4 options again. But then there's no reason not to fight it. For every small bear u defeat, u get +4, big bear +8 (iirc), and the king bear +12 + itimidation attribute (only place to get it i think).

On fighting with them, there's only one way, after u choose 'to fight', then u will enter a screen where u will be waiting to unleash ur move. During that time the dialogue box will show dots......and when the words 今だ!!! appears, press circle as quickly as possible. If u're within a certain timeframe after the word pops up, u will defeat the bear, otherwise the bear will defeat u, and u will be spending the next 2 weeks in hospital plus paying some big bucks for the stay (there's no team salary during off-season, and u gotta pay rent as well, which is 200 a month i think). The higher rank the bear, the smaller timeframe u will have to defeat it. And if u see the king bear, it's very rewarding, as u will be getting one of the best attribute in the game 'itimidation'. It's basically a reflex game, try it a few times, and u should get the hang of it.

New Year event -

On Jan week 1, u will get to choose whether to stay in the city and do more self-trainings, or go home to see ur parents and spend 2 weeks there resting (u cant choose any othe commands)

Home -
For American dream - bus ticket home will be 78 dollars, and u will stay there basically doing nothing other than resting. The only good thing about this is u will get two bottles of milk, which will fully recover ur health. So u can say it's spending 78 bucks to buy two bottles of milk.

Samurai - plane ticket will be waaay more expensive than the american counterpart, which costs around 380 (actually tho, it does not cost that much). But the reward u get will be waaay better.

When u get back to ur home in japan, u will be given pocket money (choose 1 to receive, 2 to not), which will be 300 dollars. Then u will get to go the shrine and make wishes and stuffs. U will get to choose whether to make wish with 1 dollar, 10 dollar or 100, 1 dollar will get u negative attributes, 10 dollar might give u some CPU attribute or bad status (from what I've heard), and 100 dollar will give u good stuffs. After u put in ur money, u will be given 4 random options out 5 to what u wanna make a wish upon. if u see 能力向上 as an option, and u chose 100 dollars, then u will get an attribute for sure. From what I've heard it's any attributes other than gyro, AH, PH, and itimidation. So u could possibly get anything. The other options wont get u that much, there's one for health, which will recover ur health by a lot, and then there's a wealth one which will have ur parent randomly sending u money (100 dollars, and could happen moer than once as well)during the season.

In the 2nd week ur father will play a small game with u to test ur concentrate. U will close ur eyes and ur dad will come forward towards u when ur eyes' close. Ur job here is to count down from 0 and then press circle to strike ur dad when he's close enuff at the 0 tick. If u succesfully hit him, then u will get attributes (chance 4 for fielders, pick-off O + winning luck for pitchers). There's no losing penalties.

Ur meal menu will also be changed to 'mom's cooking' as well, which have a 5 star on the 'heart' meter.

So, if u count it, u will actually be spending just 380(airfare)-300(pocket money)+100(wish) = 180 dollars to go home. And in return u could get urself many attributes plus a 30 boost on the 'heart' meter.

If u decided to stay in city alone -

u will be able to continue ur self-training. Plus on jan week 1, the store will be selling gift packs for 300 dollars, which when u open will give u some special equipments with attributes or the expensive equipments selling in the store (+1 meet +10 power, +2 meet...etc, which u wont have in the beginning in the store).

In return u will also have to pay 200 dollar rent, and as many dollars from ur meals.

(if u ask me, I'd say going home is the best choice. Even tho that 300 dollar gift pack can be attracting, the money u will be spending will be a lot more than going home. And by this time, u should already have ur general set of equipments (and if u're doing well, added attributes and stats for ur bat or glove), so the use of the gift pack is not really that high. Plus it's random, so u dunno what u're getting)

Alrite, enuff for now...more later.

keep the questions coming! XD
Re: PawaMajor
[ Author: Guest: Shinigami | Posted: Jun 6, 2006 2:05 PM ]

lol, i just realized I've became shingami in my last post>__>

anyways...let's talk about some system stuffs

in-games: there's captain and non-captain. U always starts as non-captain, and if u practice regularly and do decently in matches, u will be asked to become captain somewhere between may of yr 2. U can choose to accept or reject it.

non-captain - for batting u take control of urself every at-bats. the rest of the game is CPU-flow...including ur base-running. the exp u get after the match will depend on ur performance during the the better u perform (more RBIs, extra-base hits...etc), the more exp u get.
for pitching, the game will be automatic until u let a baserunner on base, then u will take over manually until there's no baserunners on base. same with batting, the better u perform (more K's, less hits, less runs...etc) the more exp u will get.
non-captain is also a better and more efficient way to upgrade ur equipment's stats (more on that later) since u get to bat/pitch instead of CPU doing them for u (which will more likely resulting in less hits as batter or more runs given up)

a con of non-captain is even if u hit 4-4, ur team could stink very much and therefore cost u the game, and eventually could cost u the league winner thus missing out on president cup (unless u're blackjack, since they're almost bound to win games on a normal basis)

captain - CPU all the way thru to the 8th inning, then u take control of the whole game. exp is more stable, u're bounded to get 10 exp (8 for mental only tho for everything if u win games. Good for people who have a certain amount of skill in the game, and dun want as many luck factors involved.

con is since ur character will be CPU-controlled, he's probably aint gonna produce perform as well as if u're controlling it urself (unless u're not good at the game, and cant even bat/pitch well). And with a lower performance from ur character, u will get less stats upgrades for ur equipment.

Game condition (the face) depends on how much stamina u got when u enter the match, if u're above 80% in the health bar, u will have the top pink condition, between 60-80 u will have the red condition. IIRC every condition level the bar will change color, from blue-green-yellow-orange-red...

practice and guts system

practice is one of the main thing in success mode. as u practice u will gain exp, which will be what u need to increase ur character's stats and add attributes. On a normal game-thru practice should take up 70+% of ur whole routine...i'd say...

guts system is a new thing implemented into success mode. guts level goes from lv 1-5. the higher guts level u're at, the more bonus exp u get, and the easier u will to get a guts link. u get guts by practicing the guts training, thru events or consuming items. lv 1 gives u 2.2x exp, 3.4x for 2, 4.6x for lv 3, 5.8x for lv 4, and 7x for lv 5. note that, however, while lv 1-3 is 100% succesful, there's chances of failing to reach the 4th lv, and an even higher chance of failing to reach lv 5. There's only one way to 100% reach level 5, and it's to use the 'heart' meter's effects to boost u up, the addition of guts from heart meter is 100%, so u're bounded to get to lv 5. guts system is EXTREMELY important in this game to create strong players. Other than in sandstorm league where u cant afford to do guts practice, i always recommend u dun train other stuffs unless u get 3 or more guts.

guts link - when u're practicing with guts on u, and ur teammates in the same training have guts as well, there will be a possibility that the guts link will appear. guts link will give u extra bonus exp. guts link, just like guts system, can contain up to 5 teammates. These teammates must have a guts beside them in order for them to join in. And the success rate of a guts link occuring between u and them depends on a few things - 1) their opinion of u, 2) their personality style and 3) the amount of guts u have. The extra exp u will be getting is enormous as well, so when u have enuff guts to practice other stuffs, it could be wise to check out which training have more gutted teammates are practicing in.

the practices (the number beside the exp category is the approx. effectiveness)-

fielders (from left to right)
strength training - muscle 5
batting training - muscle 2.5 skill 2.5
running training - agility 3.5 skill 1.5
throwing training - muscle 2.5 agility 1 skill 1.5
defense training - agility 1 skill 4
guts training - mental +4 for every team, +6 for blackjack iirc

pitching - muscle 4 skill 1
control - skill 5
stamina - muscle 2.5, +1/2 on stamina stats
breaking pitching - breaking pitch 4 skill 1
defense - agility 1 skill 2.5
guts training - same

Each team also have a special training that will add +2 to mental exp. Golems - strength, Knights - defense, Snakes - breaking pitch, Blackjacks - guts, Powerful - pitching.

to be continued...
Re: PawaMajor
[ Author: Guest: James | Posted: Jun 6, 2006 4:57 PM ]

Wow Shinigami, I can't thank you enough for all of the great effort you're putting into your posts.

Real quick though, after you've saved a created character through the success mode, is there a My Pennant mode available for him to play an additional season to gain more experience points? If so, how many years total can he play in the league?

In Power Pro Kun Pocket 5, which is still probably my favorite game of all time, you were able to play up to three more years after your player got drafted which was some of the most fun I've ever had in a video game.

Since this is my first console import, I'm not sure of all the differences between the Gamecube versions and the ones I've played for the GBA and DS.

Any information you can pass along on this would be great.

Thanks a bunch. :o)

Re: PawaMajor
[ Author: Guest: Shinigami | Posted: Jun 6, 2006 7:59 PM ]

Never own a portable until NDS I've never played any portable pawapuros. But I've heard from a lot of people that the best success modes are in the pawapocket. In fact, there's been way too many flaws in the past two pawapuros that's pretty annoying to ignore.

there's no my life mode in this one, so u cant use ur original character and continue on with the career to upgrade it even further...and even in my life mode that's been in the past games, u cant save ur character if u start with a success-mode-completed player.

Ur best bet to get an even better player from ur success mode will be to add him into season mode and then train him.
Re: PawaMajor
[ Author: jomcclane | Posted: Jun 6, 2006 9:57 PM ]

I'd also like thank Shinigami for his efforts.

With all of the information contained in this thread, I think I'll finally muster up enough courage to attempt Success Mode.

I'm excited.

Thank you, Shinigami.

Oh and if anyone's interested, I found a pretty good Barry Bonds password. Though bear in mind that its supposedly based on his 73-Homerun season. You can find it on this site called, "Yuki's Blog." Here's the link, sorry for the length - I ran it through a translation program:

Bonds is "No 13" the last box beneath the date, "2006 May 27th" - or the first box above the date, "2006 May 26th." Click the "this" link just below the Player Attributes photo to view the password.

And check out the "bunting" movie beneath "2006 May 31st."
Re: PawaMajor
[ Author: Guest: Shini | Posted: Jun 6, 2006 11:33 PM ]

heh, no needa thank me, just spending my time in the morning typing up stuffs that doesn't even require me playing the game to check. I wont go into details into the different events in the game, as that'll be too much work. These are just the basic ideas of how pawamajor's success flows, other than typing it's no work at all XD

btw, forgot to mention for those who doesn't already know

inside the practice screen, u will see a percentage on the screen, that is the chance of injury. The less health u're at, the higher chance u will injure urself during practice. Injury could be as short as a day off to as serious as decreasing ur stats, and staying in the most serious case - game over. Even tho it's not hard to get high stats in this game, u shouldn't risk urself too much. I've always adopt a condition limit on how much I would risk injuring a player to practice. I'll usually continue training if the injury rate is <10% on a normal basis, <15% with 3 guts, and <20% for 4 or 5 guts. If u're quite scared u'll get injured, but dun wanna waste time resting, i suggest u go take a pawarin to recover some health, that should usually drop ur injury rate low enuff to avoid any dangerous moves. Injuries does happen pretty often if u force the issue too much...

***Guts training is injury-free, so u can still do it to gain guts even if the injury rate is 99%***

more coming later...
Re: PawaMajor
[ Author: Guest: James | Posted: Jun 7, 2006 1:51 AM ]

Okay, let me see if I can't ask this question without sounding like a retarded gorilla. :o/

My favorite part in the Powerful Pro Baseball series is being able to play a full season where it cuts directly to your turn at bat while everything else in game is simulated.

I really enjoy being able to rifle through a 9 inning baseball game in the matter of 3 minutes.

Does PawaMajor have this available for play? If so, what is the set up needed to play this type of season?

Thanks again. :o)
Re: PawaMajor
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Jun 7, 2006 6:08 AM | CLM Fan ]

Not in PawaMajor, but will be in Pawapuro 13.
Re: PawaMajor
[ Author: Guest: James | Posted: Jun 7, 2006 7:14 AM ]

No. Please tell me you're kidding?

So you're saying that there isn't any mode in PawaMajor where you can choose just one player and go through an entire season just playing as him while the rest of the team's at bats are simulated?

And I was in such a good mood. :o/
Re: PawaMajor
[ Author: Guest: James | Posted: Jun 7, 2006 8:39 AM ]

Well, I'm going to throw a few more questions out to you guys.

Is Pawapuro 13 only going to be available for Playstation 2 and not the Gamecube?

Also, I just finished creating a player in success mode who ended up get picked up by the Detroit Tigers. So my question is, what all can I still do with him now that he's saved on my memory card?

Re: PawaMajor
[ Author: Guest: Shinigami | Posted: Jun 7, 2006 10:01 AM ]

That 'only player' mode u're talking about is the mylife mode on the console games. U only bat for ur character with everything else simulated. But then for pitching u throw every pitch instead of the success mode simulation pitching where u only take control when there's a runner on base. It's the way they used to make it less quick to finish a mylife mode for pitchers since they dun play every game, and if u dun get to pitch until there's a runner on base, then u're gonna fly thru it very quickly.

yes, it seems pawapuro 13 is PS2 only.

U can add those completed players to an arrange team, or u can add them into ur season mode team.
Re: PawaMajor
[ Author: Guest: James | Posted: Jun 7, 2006 10:21 AM ]

So is there a My Life mode is PawaMajor?
Re: PawaMajor
[ Author: Guest: shini | Posted: Jun 7, 2006 12:42 PM ]

probably too much of a hassle to make it, so they decide to not.
Re: PawaMajor
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Jun 7, 2006 4:19 PM | CLM Fan ]

With as much as they jacked it up for Pawapuro 13, I can see why. I think Konami are looking at My Life as their future main attraction. I just wish they had Yabe in there instead of Okui.
Re: PawaMajor
[ Author: Guest: Shinigami | Posted: Jun 7, 2006 4:34 PM ]

yabe's the main guy in success mode since like forever...

and they always had okui in there...but then he's just as normal as anyone u'd see in mylife mode.

I still wish they add some facial features or something for'd be waay cooler.

like a pair of glasses for furuta, or the beard for ogasawara, or heck, maybe some accessories would be wonderful as well.
Re: PawaMajor
[ Author: Guest: James | Posted: Jun 9, 2006 9:59 AM ]

Wow. Just wow.

Not to take away from anyone's enjoyment from this game, but I seriously think I just lost at least 95% of all interest in playing this anymore.

I really don't understand why there wasn't an inclusion for a My Pennant or My Life mode. They've had that feature in the handheld versions for over four years now.

Anyway, I've got a couple more questions to throw out to you guys.

During story mode, could you list out the dates that I shouldn't be choosing the top main response when I have a list of choices on what to say or do?

I'm always choosing the default answer and was wondering what are the times and events that I shouldn't be doing this.

Also, what are three choices that my character has when responding to the news anchor lady after a game?

Finally, during the news segment, what all is she talking about and what is the list of players that she seems to mention during every news story.

Thanks again guys. :o)
Re: PawaMajor
[ Author: Guest: Shini | Posted: Jun 9, 2006 10:32 AM ]

kate (newscaster) could also be ur girlfriend as well XD And there's a scene with her where ur 'arch' will increase by one XD~~~

well, when she interviews u for the first time the choices are basically pretty much the same, just different reactions...I usually just choose 1), to act humble and shy. It does not effect anything.

Those aren't players, but the league those are the teams.

As I can remember, most of the choices u make in this game does not really affect anything...

Ones that u should pay attention to that's right off my head are:

the talk with g-san (the dark-skinned dude with glasses). When she's approached by Kate during like july or something, there's two choices : 1) leave and go back to training and 2) listen to g-san's story. By listening to g-san's story, his opinion of u will increase, and also u will get an extra gut.

whether or not to be captain.

if u're playing on blackjacks, there will be a scene where victor (the best player in paradise league, the dude with red hair) will secretly sneak out of practice to the shop. U can either follow him or continue to practice - following him will increase his opinion of u, and can trigger the later events with him where u might learn average hitter attribute from him for free.

hmm...haven't seen my game for too long...cant remember the others, see if bigman can help on this or not.

and yes, it's disappointing for them to take out mylife. But then since this mlb game's schedule and stuffs is a lot different from the previous ones, it'd take awfully long to simulate all the games and stuffs...which could affect the smoothiness of mylife. And to me they didn't seem to put too much work on pawamajor...this game was plainly a way to attract more people into mlb baseball...more like an advertising campaign by mlb to me...>__>

so if u ask me there's more useless game options than the previous pawapros.

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