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Famitsu Review For Pawapuro 13

Discussion in the Video Games forum
Famitsu Review For Pawapuro 13
This result is about par for Pawapuro. Nothing too amazing, but nothing too bad, either. The score is tied for #1 with Persona 3, a much anticipated RPG(myself included on that list).

8, 8, 8, 9

That's the final tally, and it's the exact same way Persona was scored. Let's compare this to past yakyu game reviews by Famitsu. We're not just looking at Pawapuro, but ALL games I can find.

36 - Pawapuro 6 (3/25/1999)
Pawapuro 10 (7/17/2003
Pro Yakyu Spirits 3 (4/6/2006)

35 - Pawapuro 7 (7/6/2000)
Pawapuro 11 (7/15/2004)
Pawapuro 12 (7/14/2005)
Pro Yakyu Team O Tsukurou! 3 (7/28/2005)
Pro Yakyu World Stadium (5/20/1988)

So it's a whole two points from being as good as Pawapuro 11 and 12. That's not too good. I'm not a huge fan of YakyuTsuku 3, so take that into consideration. I also seem to remember those games getting a 10 from a yakyu fan reviewer each time.

Pro Yakyu Spirits 3 seemed to rise from the dead and give Pawapuro Production a bit of credibility again. They completely reinvented that series, so it was fairly obvious Pawapuro 13 wasn't going to be as great as that.

Now let me speak about the actual reviewers, to give you an idea of where they're coming from. First reviewer is a soccer fan. Third reviewer is female. They both gave 8s. I'd also like to point out that they all mentioned the online aspects of the game, and anyone who knows Pawapuro knows that the weak online mode is not what fans are interested in. I'd like to think that you can take the overall score of 33 and maybe increase it by 2 or 3 to reflect a yakyu fan's perspective.
Re: Famitsu Review For Pawapuro 13
[ Author: Guest: skinz | Posted: Jul 6, 2006 12:35 AM ]

And yet again the marketing department is sleeping again. The game comes out next week and nothing from the website and the trailer that Bigman provides on youtube is the only movie out and thats' not even on the website. I'm suprised there's no riot from the hardcore fans.
Re: Famitsu Review For Pawapuro 13
[ Author: jomcclane | Posted: Jul 6, 2006 12:42 AM ]

34 - Powerful Major League (5/12/2006)

PawaMajor scored one point higher than Pawapuro 13, and only one point lower than Pawapuro 11 and 12.

And how significant are one or two points anyway? I don't follow Famitsu too closely, but I'd bet that most of its reviews carry a 1 - 2 point "margin of error." Video game reviewing is not an exact science. So 33 or 34 could mean 35 or 36, respectively.
Re: Famitsu Review For Pawapuro 13
[ Author: Ding_Bat | Posted: Jul 6, 2006 4:59 AM ]

video game reviews mean nothing really when every online major review site gets swayed by certain companys who give out free stuff

in america , japan or otherwise i should no i used to work for gamespot

but being new to the whole japanese thing see my thread that no1 has replied 2 (i see this site isnt as friendly as i was told for new comers but japanese people arnt the most friendly to australians anyway....)

i love pro yakyu spirits 3 coming from playing mvp(shudder) an 2k's mlb
i just orders pawapro major for ps2 so ill see how it goes compared to pro yakyu 3 on the 360 while its getting fixed
Re: Famitsu Review For Pawapuro 13
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Jul 6, 2006 9:36 AM | CLM Fan ]

Famitsu reviews used to be down to a science before they started to get too lenient. Those scores I posted really reflect the quality of the games. Pawapuro 12 doesn't deserve to be there, and neither does YakyuTsuku 3. Those were both released in 2005.

Pawapuro 6 is amazing and Pawapuro 10 was also a huge step up for the franchise. I believe it was the first Pawapuro on DVD format and also the first to have My Life.

As for your thread, I only post replies to things I'm interested in. It's usually the other guys who are kind enough to reply to guys with questions that have been asked many times before like, "How can I play this game?" I've been a news translator for a couple other game scenes, and this has always been my policy. There have been multiple threads out there in which people ask, "Which game should I get?" and I'm not surprised at all to see them get no replies now. There's enough information here and enough pictures/videos out there for people to form their own opinions.

We are a friendly community, but we also don't tolerate laziness. This is how most boards work. If there's info in the archives, it should be looked at. If someone new asks a question that's been asked before, it'll be ignored.
Re: Famitsu Review For Pawapuro 13
[ Author: Guest: Shinigami | Posted: Jul 6, 2006 6:09 PM ]

Well, it's only one week till the actual release of the game, so i suppose i will judge it when i play it. dun really care what reviews say, coz each person have different views toward a game (once again, the pawamajor topic flashes in mind)...

but again the lack of advertisings and stuffs are really annoying me, it's like they dun give a damn about how good it is anymore, and that it will still sell bcoz there's already enuff hardcore pawapuro fans out there that will get the game no matter how poorly/buggy it's done.

as for ding bat...i dun think we care what country u come from...the ones on here are no racist, and the fact that there's people from different places around the world talking baseball games on here makes it even less appropriate to say we're ignoring u bcoz of ur nationality. Why would we do that anyways?

As BMZ said already, there's already enuff posts on similar topics, and if u just do some researches, u wont need to ask. Nobody really like to answer same stuffs over and over again, it's alrite for the first few times, then it starts to get annoying.

Sorry if my words somehow appears harsh to u. Jeff Williams is good, and I got no problems toward any Australians.
Re: Famitsu Review For Pawapuro 13
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Jul 6, 2006 9:37 PM | CLM Fan ]

You bring up a good point. I used to be in the Fire Pro Wrestling scene, and that's EXACTLY what happened when the developers started getting lazy. They took the hardcore following for granted and it started to get smaller and smaller and smaller until it finally just died out and they were forced to retire the franchise. After they released the final game, they came out of retirement to try and milk the franchise one more time. It didn't work, and the series went from being a respected and original series into a complete joke.
Re: Famitsu Review For Pawapuro 13
[ Author: Guest: Skinz | Posted: Jul 6, 2006 11:25 PM ]

I loved Fire Pro WRESTLING but lost interest after playing the horrendous Z version. I don't knwo about Returns but I've read that its good. The community that really fell off is the King of Colosseum community.
Re: Famitsu Review For Pawapuro 13
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Jul 7, 2006 11:57 AM | CLM Fan ]

FPZ was painfully bad and FPR just wasn't as good as it should've been, considering how much time they had.
Re: Famitsu Review For Pawapuro 13
[ Author: MHtrStevie | Posted: Jul 7, 2006 12:16 AM | CLM Fan ]

Sorry to go off-topic, but I can't resist...

I'm psyched to see a mention of one of my old favorite games, Fire Pro! I wanted to hear a bit more about this issue with the franchise going downhill, as I think I got in on the franchise relatively late and I don't know the chronology behind it. The only three I played were 6MS, D and G... was I still playing during the "good" years? I really liked both 6MS and D... G was okay, but I always preferred the other two.

As for the pro yakyu games, it sounds like I'm better off not getting any of the new gen of games and continuing to play the games I have now (10-12). I'll be waiting to see what anyone here who does get 13 has to say about it...

- Stevie
Re: Famitsu Review For Pawapuro 13
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Jul 7, 2006 11:56 AM | CLM Fan ]

I'll allow off-topic chat for a short time on Fire Pro, since it relates to the business of game development. Basically, Fire Pro went downhill when Human went out of business and Spike came into the picture. Human seemed to have a very nice business style of pleasing the fans and releasing quality stuff. A great example of this is Ouja No Tamashii, though hindered by PS1 graphic limitations, the little things in it were totally "fan service".

Yes, you got the Human Fire Pros. 6MS of course was the first to bring six man tags, then D was the first for eight man tags, as well as downloading new moves. G went back on graphics, since PS1 wasn't as good as the Saturn in terms of 2D. However, FPG did have the great story mode that never really came back in the series in a big way.

Don't worry about Pawapuro 13. I'll be the first to say whether it's good or the same crap with new rosters.

This is a site about Pro Yakyu (Japanese Baseball), not about who the next player to go over to MLB is. It's a community of Pro Yakyu fans who have come together to share their knowledge and opinions with the world. It's a place to follow teams and individuals playing baseball in Japan (and Asia), and to learn about Japanese (and Asian) culture through baseball.

It is my sincere hope that once you learn a bit about what we're about here that you will join the community of contributors.

Michael Westbay
(aka westbaystars)

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