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Ive never played a Power Pro

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Ive never played a Power Pro
I realise Power Pro isnt its real name, but I hear so many other names for the game that I just use that. Anyway, I want to try this game as Ive heard its very popular in Japan and I like the graphics style of this game with the chibi like characters. Anyway, I figured I would get a Gamecube version since its my main import console, but Im not sure which one to get. I dont really know that much about Baseball, but I enjoy watching it or playing it with a few friends so I know many of the terms, but not all of them. Anyway, I wanted to get the best one out of the series witht he most content and most fun multiplayer. Which one do people reccemend. I assume that 13 is the MLB one and since that one has only been out for a few months, im leaning towards that one, but then I heard it was really bad and 11 is the best one. What game from the series should I get? How hard is it without knowing any Japanese? Thank you for all the help
Re: Ive never played a Power Pro
[ Author: Guest | Posted: Jul 23, 2006 4:38 AM ]

If I were you I'd stick with american baseball games ...
after playing japanese games for the past year , I am sad to say that they are no better then the american games...
(my hopes were high too...)
Re: Ive never played a Power Pro
[ Author: thenewcurse | Posted: Jul 23, 2006 10:35 AM ]

I live in the states and am an avid baseball fan of both MLB and NPB. I've played PawaMajor and wasn't too impresessed. However, Pro Yakyu spirits is the best baseball game of this season. It outpreforms both the other konami efforts,Netsu star and outclasses US baseball games.
Re: Ive never played a Power Pro
[ Author: jomcclane | Posted: Jul 23, 2006 5:34 AM ]

Powerful Pro 13 and Powerful Major League (MLB) are two different games.

Powerful MLB was released a few months before Pawapuro 13 and is the first Pawapuro ever to have MLB teams and players. Pawapuro 13, along with all of the earlier Pawapuros, has Japanese teams and players.

Also, Pawapuro 13 is only available on Playstation 2. Earlier Pawapuros and Powerful MLB are available on Gamecube and PS2.

The Pawapuros with Japanese teams are typically released twice each year. Once near the beginning of the real-life season (for example, Powerful Pro 11), and then once after the season ends (for example, Powerful Pro 11 Chou Ketteiban). These "Chou Ketteiban," or "Super Final" editions contain updated stats, gameplay tweaks, and additional animations. So if you're going to get a Japanese Pawapuro, get one of these December-released "Super Final" editions.

My favorite so far has been Pawapuro 11 Chou Ketteiban. Though I like Powerful Major League too. And I haven't tried 13. 12 and 12 Ketteiban seem a bit weaker to me.

Here's a reprint from one of BigManZam's recent posts:

"Anyway, one person on 2ch ranks the games like this, and I think this will help those of you wanting to know how good each game is.

6>5>2000>Pawapuro Portable>11>9>4>7>10>12>8>PowerPocket 8>>>>13"

*Powerful Major League is not included on this list.

I knew no Japanese when I first began playing these games, but I've picked up a little along the way out of necessity. I'd print out a Katakana chart and keep it next to you as you play. This is how I figured out all of the pitch names ("Slow Curve," "Two-Seamer," "Circle Change," "Knuckcle Curve," etc.)

If you haven't checked it out already, you really should give this thread a look:

Skinz did a great job putting it together, and all for the benefit of newcomers like yourself.

And here's my PawaMajor Translation Guide thread:
Re: Ive never played a Power Pro
[ Author: NiGHTS | Posted: Jul 23, 2006 2:29 PM | TYS Fan ]

I am also in the same boat about not playing Pawapuro. I have ordered them as I am mainly interested in Japanese teams. I get the drift that the people on this board are extremely hardcore and want a game so realistic to Yakyu that it's unbelievable (which would allow the comparison to Winning Eleven to be accurate). I am more or less looking for a fun game.
Re: Ive never played a Power Pro
[ Author: Guest: Zero829 | Posted: Jul 23, 2006 4:00 PM ]

Oh I am very sorry about that as I was directed to this board from Gamefaqs and I didnt know there was so much about the game in other topics. So Pawapuro and Pro Yakuyuu Spirits are both made by Konami. So does the Pro Yakyuu series use realistic graphics or more towards the animish/chibish look like the Pawapuro? I actually partly find Pawapuro appealing because of the graphics from what I can tell. From what I heard, Pawapuro 11 (newer version of 11) is the best Pawapuro I can get as someone new to the series and from what the posted topic said, there is a translation of it to help people who dont know Japanese assuming we have a Katakana table available to us (which I do). Can the game be multiplayer (Gamecube version) as in on the same Gamecube?
Re: Ive never played a Power Pro
[ Author: thenewcurse | Posted: Jul 24, 2006 2:26 AM ]

The grapics of PYS 3 are incredibly realistic, featuring some of the best animnation and graphics on a current-gen console. However, the physics and movement in PawaPuro 11 are amazingy realistic. Multiplayer is available is sure to bring hours of fun with your buddies.
Re: Ive never played a Power Pro
[ Author: Guest: Zero829 | Posted: Jul 24, 2006 11:17 AM ]

So if I go with 11 (better version of 11), will I be missing out on any major gameplay improvements found in the later games. Also, you guys have been a great help and I thank you all very much. I heardthe PS2 version goes online. Do many people play online and is it even fun/ easy to comprehend without knowledge of Japanese?
Re: Ive never played a Power Pro
[ Author: jomcclane | Posted: Jul 25, 2006 6:20 AM ]

Again, Pawapuro 11 Chou Ketteiban (Super Final Edition) is your best bet. 12 and 12 Ketteiban's gameplay always seemed a little weaker/unbalanced to me. Everything I've heard about 13 has sounded negative, though I haven't played 13 myself. And who knows if Konami will even release a 13 Final Edition this winter...given the PS3's launch.

I also enjoy Powerful Major League. One thing that's great for beginners in Powerful Major League is that you can view all players' individial attributes (how well they hit lefties, etc.) WHENEVER YOU WISH by pressing the "Triangle" button. In Pawapuro 11 Chou Ketteiban, you must study this info BEFORE the game. Since I haven't played Pawapuro 13, I don't know if this "Individual Attributes On Demand" feature was also included in it.

Pawapuro 11 Chou Ketteiban, Powerful Major League, and Pawapuro 13 all had the same Executive Producer - Hiroshi Tanibuchi.

I'm not 100% sure about this, but I believe you must be located in Japan to play Pawapuro online. I think it has something to do with the servers. Although a long time ago, I read a post from a guy who claimed to have "hacked in" to play a Japanese version of Winning Eleven online while he was located in Europe.
Re: Ive never played a Power Pro
[ Author: jomcclane | Posted: Jul 25, 2006 6:37 AM ]

Correction: I think Hiroshi Tanibuchi was the Producer, and not the Executive Producer, on the three games I mentioned above. I'm basing this on the information provided by BigManZam in an earlier post in another thread.

Here's the thread, the post is a little more than half way down. I found it interesting/informative:
Re: Ive never played a Power Pro
[ Author: Guest: Zero829 | Posted: Jul 25, 2006 8:41 AM ]

Sorry about another question, but I saw that there is a PowerMajor Translation Guide. However, is there a Pawapuro 11 Translation Guide?
Re: Ive never played a Power Pro
[ Author: Guest: Shinigami | Posted: Jul 26, 2006 12:52 AM ]

Unfortunately, no.

This place didn't even exist when pawapuro 11 came no one's done anything with pawapuro 11.

but a few of us still plays it even till this day. So if u've got questions u're wondering about, u can feel free to ask.

also by looking at the other pawapuro's translation guides, u should be able to grasp to a certain degree the main options and menus...etc, bcoz they're more or less the same in each games.
Re: Ive never played a Power Pro
[ Author: jomcclane | Posted: Jul 26, 2006 1:37 AM ]

Not that I know of...

I made some translation guides for Pawapuro 12 a while back. They'd still be somewhat helpful with Pawapuro 11 Chou Ketteiban. Two problems though: First, they're a little rough. Second, the gamemakers changed some menus' layouts and colors between Pawapuro 11 and 12. So not all of my guides' content will match Pawapuro 11.

I email these Pawapuro 12 guides to anyone who requests them.

And if enough people express an interest and I get motivated, I'll convert these Pawapuro 12 guides into Pawapuro 11 guides. I really should do this...because now I'm pretty convinced that 11 Chou Ketteiban is better than 12 Ketteiban. I wasn't so sure of this back when I made these guides.
Re: Ive never played a Power Pro
[ Author: Guest: Zero829 | Posted: Jul 26, 2006 1:56 PM ]

if you could do that, I would be very very grateful. If you do, jut tell me and I will post my email. Thank you everyone very much. You guys have been a lot of help for me
Re: Ive never played a Power Pro
[ Author: Guest: Zero820 | Posted: Aug 11, 2006 9:01 AM ]

My email is

If you could send me the faq foe 11, I would be highly grateful and once agian, thank you everyone for your help
Re: Ive never played a Power Pro
[ Author: jomcclane | Posted: Aug 12, 2006 12:21 AM ]

I don't plan on converting my ROUGH Pawapuro 12 guides to Pawapuro 11 guides anytime soon. I'm too busy completing my PawaMajor guides at the moment.

I'll email you my Pawapuro 12 guides. Again, this material does not match up 100% with Pawapuro 11 because some of the menu items were rearranged. You should still find a lot of it helpful though.
Re: Ive never played a Power Pro
[ Author: Guest: Zero | Posted: Aug 19, 2006 12:24 PM ]

Just out of curiousity, from 11 and any of them in the series more recent than that, which one did Famitsu give the highest score to as I find navigating there site quite hard
Re: Ive never played a Power Pro
[ Author: jomcclane | Posted: Aug 20, 2006 6:43 AM ]

Check out this link. Sorry about the length, I ran it through a translation program.

Just click on a game and then look under the second heading, "International press review," for the Famitsu score. You'll notice that most, if not all, of the scores are extremely close.
Re: Ive never played a Power Pro
[ Author: Guest: Zero | Posted: Aug 21, 2006 2:28 AM ]

Oh thank you veyr much. According to them, 10 is the best game in the series O_o with 11 and Major League being very close and for some reason, the updated version of 11 gets a lower score than the original
Re: Ive never played a Power Pro
[ Author: jomcclane | Posted: Aug 21, 2006 5:30 AM ]

Under the first heading, "Practical information," and next to "Belongs to the group:", click on the "Powerful Pro Baseball" link. This is how to see the list of all the games.

It seems each individual game's page has the same web address as the entire list. Anyway, sorry if I caused any confusion.
Re: Ive never played a Power Pro
[ Author: Jbroks86 | Posted: Aug 23, 2006 12:42 PM | SFT Fan ]

-Just out of curiousity, from 11 and any of them in the series more recent than that, which one did Famitsu give the highest score to as I find navigating there site quite hard

Check out GameStats. Most of the games rankings by Famitsu are there, you just have to look them up.

This is a site about Pro Yakyu (Japanese Baseball), not about who the next player to go over to MLB is. It's a community of Pro Yakyu fans who have come together to share their knowledge and opinions with the world. It's a place to follow teams and individuals playing baseball in Japan (and Asia), and to learn about Japanese (and Asian) culture through baseball.

It is my sincere hope that once you learn a bit about what we're about here that you will join the community of contributors.

Michael Westbay
(aka westbaystars)

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