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Pawapuro 13 Ketteiban Release Thread

Discussion in the Video Games forum
Pawapuro 13 Ketteiban Release Thread
Well, I've been playing the game since the start of the evening. I'll lay everything out in my patented style.

-Pitches are faster, and I have been struck out using the control pad.

-Ball is heavy, just like Pawapuro 13, but it's not a bowling ball. It's very improved. You'll get hits and you won't reach a lot of hit balls that would've been caught in previous games. This is why defensive shifts are crucial. The heaviness of the ball is more realistic, and it makes for more realistic defense.

-All pitching/batting forms are unlocked from the start. Some of the new forms I've seen were for Rick Short, Micheal Nakamura, and Kanehisa Arime.

-CPU pitchers will now hit batters every now and then. It's about time, because they haven't done this well for almost a decade.

-Seems there are more walks on both sides.

-You can strike out the computer now, but you have to think more than ever. It's like playing a human online, because you have to mix pitches up. I wondered why I wasn't getting many Ks, despite mixing pitches, but I figured it out. Not only do you mix pitch types and throw for both balls and strikes, but you also have to mix up inside and outside pitches well. This will get you Ks and outs.

-CPU defense no longer throw the ball without purpose. By this I mean that they won't throw home when you're basically two steps from the plate. They also won't throw to any other base needlessly.

-99% of framerate drops from 13 have been fixed.

Just about to finish the Success Mode with the All Japan team, so I'll chime in on that later.
Re: Pawapuro 13 Ketteiban Release Thread
[ Author: jomcclane | Posted: Dec 17, 2006 2:39 PM ]


So 13 Ketteiban seems solid so far...

I might have to get it for Christmas.

Though I'd like to learn all I can from you before I make my decision.

I realize that it's a bit early to ask this question, but I'll throw it out there anyway: Do you think that this is best Pawapuro to date?
Re: Pawapuro 13 Ketteiban Release Thread
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Dec 17, 2006 5:34 PM | CLM Fan ]

Can't say that right now. I have to say it's the most realistic Pawapuro, but is that a good thing? Isn't the whole point of a video game to have fun? I don't know if I want the little midget players playing with realistic physics.

Now that I look back on things, and I haven't really played this game that much...Pawapuro 11 Chouketteiban is still the most fun out of all the games. I'll probably load that up soon to compare.
Re: Pawapuro 13 Ketteiban Release Thread
[ Author: Shinigami | Posted: Dec 17, 2006 6:10 PM | FSH Fan ]

This one is more fun in terms of hitting I'd suppose. It REALLY feels good when u hit the ball perfectly and watch it soars in the sky, albeit how unrealistic when I can hit multi-homers with someone with power below D (several times in just two days of playing) But the other aspect of it - the pitching part worries me.

I'd say in the recent ones 11K is the most balanced, also carries the best success (even tho I like 10's most, 11's also more balanced in terms of the luck/skills combination, and the All Japan team blows everything away) The gameplay itself is also the better than 12 and 13.

I'd say this, amongst the ones most of us on here played (11-13):

Pitching - 12K blows them away (PC pitching, CPU pitching this is the worst)

Batting - Even though it was really fun on 13, I take 11's because of it being more 'real'

Other things - 11K. There is Araiba Roulette in 13K, but iirc 11K has the best movement in defense, and CPU actually is very well balanced in both offense and defense.

Pennant - other than no interleague plays and no Rakuten Eagles, it runs the smoothest, and also the scouting system is more fun and at least gives u something to do.

Success - 11 by MILES. 12 too annoying, 13 too easy (u wont even get dumped by ur girlfriend, coz u dun even need to spend any time with her other than the special occasions, which are all events)

Misc. - 12K. can create ouendans. And also that cup tournament. It's fun facing the success mode schools.
Re: Pawapuro 13 Ketteiban Release Thread
[ Author: Shinigami | Posted: Dec 17, 2006 4:34 PM | FSH Fan ]

I've been playing this for 2 days now, so lemme give u guys my two cents for those who's thinking of whether to get it or not.

Lemme make a simple list of the settings I am playing under -
catcher window off
CPU defense/running POWERFUL
CPU batting/pitcher TSUYOI (hard)
pitch cursor 50/50 on and off (depends on my mood)
strike zone off
CPU pitch cursor off
pitch type on

-Pitch speed is faster than 13(which was turtle slow), but still slower than 12K, and is still quite easy to approach even with the d-pad (I've converted to full-time d-pad user now btw, both pitching and batting)

-As BZM mentioned, the ball's weight has been tweaked a bit. There are less bloopers than in 13, and u will see more high popups that was in previous games. But a con comes with this as well. More on it later.

-Finally there are deadballs. It's something that will never happen in recent version unless u're playing against a friend and the batter runs into an inside pitch on purpose.

-The strike-ball ratio is GREAT. Pitchers with bad control will throw a lot more balls. This is due to the fact that in 13K if u have bad control u will rarely hit the spot u aim it at. I was batting against Baystars' Nasuno, who has G control, and he walked 6 batters, and in 80ish pitches had more balls than strikes. He just wasn't finding the zone. Whereas in another game I was batting against Matsuzaka, who has A control, and just like when he's on, he throws A LOT of strike, making u really needing to pick ur spots and fouling a few off if u want him to walk u. Which is something I really like about this game.

-There are more foul balls. Not sure if it's the d-pad, but even on d-pad in 12K I still wasn't getting enough foul balls, and 90% of the pitch that I foul back with contact hitting are auto outs because the ball does not seem to have any power at all. I once fouled off 5 pitches to earn a walk against Watanabe Shunsuke.
Just about to finish the Success Mode with the All Japan team, so I'll chime in on that later.

-Basestealing is challenging, u really have to time well in order to steal base, especially if u're playing on powerful CPU defense like I am.

-The sound of the bat connecting with the ball is way better than 12K. It's very enjoyable to hit IMO. However.... comes the cons:

-Balls FLIES....too much. They fly higher and farther than ever if u hit the center of it. Even when u're late and slap at an inside pitch, u can beat the thing way over the fence if u hit the center of the ball. I even had a 155m homerun in success mode with such a hit. And this is something that shouldn't happen, it should take away waay too much power for it go way past the fence. It does happen, but not very frequent, but in 13K I've done it many many times already in 2 days of play. Because of the slower pitches in 13K, it's not that hard to catch the center of the ball, and thus kyoshin/power swing becomes VERY powerful. They fixed the over-weight heavy ball, but also made it generates insane power when hit right.

-Just like 13, sometimes it's really hard to judge what type of hit it is when the ball is hit. U can get a big pop sound and sees the ball fly high in that batting screen, but ends up landing in the infield. It's sometimes kinda hard to judge if u should order ur players to retreat back to their base immediately or to run because of the way it shows it.

-CPU running. I've tried a few times when it's certain it's a shallow hit that will land in between the infield and outfield, and the first base runner doesn't start to even run. He basically stand stills an inch away from 1st base. By the time I realize this and order him to advance (which is immediately when I see how the ball will drop), he doesn't get to second in time and is ruled out.

-Breaking pitches.'s not bad, and finally a changeup is worth something rather than a homerun ball to the hitter. It actually has decent velocity and drops more than before. But the best pitch in this 13K is the SLOWCURVE. While they took some movement off the curveball, they added quite a lot of movement on the slowcurve. A lv 3 slowcurve breaks double the distance than a lv 5 curveball. It renders any other curveball useless when slowcurve is this powerful.

-CPU hitting. Anyone remember 13's CPU batting? I remember it quite well. In Mylife mode with my rookie pitcher with 135 fastball and a slider, I pitched perfect game against normal batting CPU in a total of 60ish pitches. Basically they swing at anything u throw at them, a good-to-hit pitch, or something that's at the corner. In 13K, they did tweak this a bit, and batters actually aren't as aggressive, but is still too aggressive than how it should be. They still swing at most things that's in the strike zone, and K's are hard to buy. This could just be how the game is, and that I haven't figured out how to pitch to get the strikeouts. But I have a feeling it's more of the CPU than myself.

One thing that needs to be mentioned that u only need a slowcurve and a fastball to strike batters out. CPU cant hit slowcurves. Couple that with a decent fastball, and mixing the speed up between the heat and breaking stuffs, u can fool tsuyoi CPU batting. Not with any other pitches tho.

- Success mode being too easy. The new All-Japan scenario is too easy to make strong players (as is Teiou High). The teammates on the Japan team are just too strong. There are three players over 170 power, with a shortshop with has 139 power and PH attribute. Couple that with the powerswing I mentioned, I was able to easily rout Mexico and USA to a called game (14-2 and 11-1 respectively). With a little knowledge on the tags in training, and winning all 3 matches, it does not take much skill to make an ALL-A player. Success mode is becoming easier and easier in recent games. 12 was harder, but it was annoying with the town factor, and 13 is WAY too easy.

-Pennant. In the promotion video, u'd think they fixed up 13's turtle speed auto-simulation. But the truth's still very slow. Heck, 12 was already slower than 11, but at least it still had respectable speed, 13's auto-sim speed basically kills all joy when u're trying to run an auto-pennant.

These are the stuffs I can think of right now. Will probably give it some more tries. I liked it at first, but soon realizing the problems my likeness to it cooled down a bit, but there are still points that are decent about this game. I will continue to play with it a little longer to see if I can figure some of the things.
Re: Pawapuro 13 Ketteiban Release Thread
[ Author: Shinigami | Posted: Dec 17, 2006 4:34 PM | FSH Fan ]

Ooops...sorry, didn't realize it was this long. Hope no one gets ticked off with that many words.
Re: Pawapuro 13 Ketteiban Release Thread
[ Author: Shinigami | Posted: Dec 17, 2006 6:13 PM | FSH Fan ]

Here's a video on 13K's exclusive success mode scenario - All Japan Scenario.

There's something I cant figure out however...Mexico's the first team u face in the scenario, and iirc u only start with 10000 yen, however the dude has 45000 yen. And unless he started out as a 'tensai', It's not that easy to have D meet B power D speed before the Mexico match. But I will have to play more of it to find out.
Re: Pawapuro 13 Ketteiban Release Thread
[ Author: Guest | Posted: Jan 9, 2007 1:38 AM ]

Well I got my copy of Pawapuro 13 ketteiban about 10 days ago.
Now that I have found my settings, I think this game is great.
Way better then the first version, and better then Pawapuro 12 (pitching counts are realistic in 13k).
I'm seeing everything in this game, walks, hit by pitch, bunts, steals, defensive errors, k's...
Here are the settings i've been using
BUT, I am using the keypad to hit...
I am getting very realistic stats.

Since there won't be any new ps2 games this year...this will probably be my 2007 season game.

Re: Pawapuro 13 Ketteiban Release Thread
[ Author: Shinigami | Posted: Jan 9, 2007 8:35 AM | FSH Fan ]

pitch count's great in this game

at first I thought it was good too, but the more I play, the more flaws I find in it...and it just got to a point where I dun want to continue.

If u like the game, then congratulations~~~

my settings were:
d-pad ONLY (even on pitching and defense)
no mit cursor & no strike zone for both sides

honestly I was getting realistic scorelines with these settings, but there were many aspects that I didn't like when I played it (the pitches itself (MAJOR PROBLEM), a little on the kyoshin batting (MAJOR PROBLEM), and some other little pieces that I mentioned in my previous post) and they were big enuff to ruin it for me.

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