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PYS4 PS3 Impressions

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PYS4 PS3 Impressions
I stopped by the Shibuya Bic Camera tonight (Monday) and picked up PSY4 for PS3. I just finished about 3 innings of play, and here are some of my impressions so far:

- I first played through the tutorials to catch any gameplay differences, but mostly to rack up some VP points. I only did the pitching and batting tutorials. The actual mechanical difference I've noticed with the gamepad is that holding down X when pitching doesn't change effectiveness/use more stamina; you have to press up on the right stick now.

- Pitching is a lot tougher. The timing to throw a perfect pitch is much more strict, and pitches that a pitcher has a poor rating in are even harder to throw with good control. I like this - it makes a guy's 6th or 7th pitch just a show-me pitch to change things up a little bit, but shouldn't be relied on.

- The game looks awesome. My 3 innings are in the Nagoya Dome, and it looks pretty fantastic. The colors are bright, the textures are, well, more textured (turf and dirt), and the crowd is much more lively. People walk around the outfield stands, there are flags waving, etc. The Nagoya Dome is one of the stadiums that has a wall behind home plate high enough that you don't have to stare at miserable looking fans (ala MLB2k7), so I'm spared that for now. We'll see how it is in other stadiums. However, the in-stadium announcement booth is there, and you can see about 6 people behind tinted glass, and they are detailed quite nicely.

- Players faces are great. As far as I can tell, everyone on both the Dragons and Fighters were made very well. There are no horrible burn victims (again, MLB 2K7) or distortions.

- The camera angles on defense do feel a bit different, but I like them so far. When a ball is hit into the corner, the camera rotates a bit, so it's a bit disorienting control-wise, but I think I'll get used to it quickly.

- The cheers, for the Dragons at least, are the same as PSY3. I was thinking there might be a higher quality synth trumpet or something, but no such luck.

- The umpires call strikes much more emphatically.

- Batters jacknife out of the way of pitches down an in, and run backwards, almost Derek Jeter-ish.

- A player argued a called third strike. The facial expressions did a great job showing his anger.

- The caught stealing reply is AWESOME. I'm going to keep sending my runners so I can see that a few more times.

- I hit a 3R HR with Woods, one of those no-doubters that the camera cuts away on. That felt nice. Nice camera angles on him rounding the bases, hi-fives in the dugout, etc.

- Tanishige hit a 2-out RBI double. The next guy grounded out to end the inning, and as the players ran off the field, they showed Tanishige getting hi-fives from his teammates, even though it was 2 plays ago. That's pretty cool.

- There are some frame rate issues, which I was not expecting from a PYS game. It's not too bad at all, not nearly as bad at MLB 2K7, but still a bit annoying.

I really love a game that plays so great out of the box, without having to spend 6 hours messing with sliders.

That's all I can think of for now. I might post some more later.
Re: PSY4 PS3 Impressions
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Apr 2, 2007 11:02 PM | CLM Fan ]

I don't know about you, but I have to spend DAYS in order to get the perfect settings. It has to be a perfect mix of realistic stats and fun. Think I just graduated from normal batting cursor because I only struck out once in an all star game using middle+ speed and Perfect CPU. These will probably be my settings once I get the PS3 version up and running.

CPU Pitching: Perfect
CPU Batting: Hard+
CPU Fielding: Perfect
CPU Running: Perfect
Both batting/pitching cursors: Real
Pitch speed: Middle
Control: Analog

As for frame rate issues, that surprises me on PS3. On the PS2 version, it gets choppy a little when there are too many guys on screen(shallow flies with men on base, suicide squeeze, etc.) Is this the same case on PS3?

I don't think it's really fair to the guys at Pawapuro Production to even compare this game to 2K7, especially considering framerate. That game was absolutely horrible, and the framerate makes playing in certain ballparks unplayable. I don't have the PS3 version yet, but there is no way in hell it could even be 1% as bad as MLB2K7's graphical issues.

The one beef I have with the developers on this game so far, is what were they thinking with some of the accessories? There are a good number of players who are missing their elbow supporters, necklaces, etc. It wouldn't take much work to make an editor for that stuff. They made one for Pawapuro 13. I also wonder what they were thinking when they gave the OOOOOLD school socks to Higashide, Nishiguchi, Fujioka, and others. Those kind of socks haven't been worn since like the 1950s. I really hope they patch that, as well as a couple bugs I've seen with baserunning.
Re: PSY4 PS3 Impressions
[ Author: ken_hanshin | Posted: Apr 2, 2007 11:42 PM | HT Fan ]

did you try the online feature?

what is your impression on that?

Re: PSY4 PS3 Impressions
[ Author: Guest | Posted: Apr 3, 2007 6:08 AM ]

Can you elaborate on the when and where the framerate drops/

is it after a hit ball and then during the fielding? to me the 360 version is pretty smooth in it's frame ate yet the PS3 felt fine too.

Please tell me hows the rain in the game? i know i know it's a funny request but i'm curious to see if they did anything with it?
Re: PSY4 PS3 Impressions
[ Author: Guest: jimnyc2000 | Posted: Apr 3, 2007 10:21 AM ]

So far I like it! Very crisp!! I cant hit for beans!!! Menu's and book look great but have to get the wife to help me through it and right now she just rolls her eyes and walks away!! LOL!! i do notice that after an out or strikeout(which i do most of the time) the screen goes black for 3-4 seconds...weird....not sure if it's because i have it set for 1080p? Anyone getting that?
Re: PSY4 PS3 Impressions
[ Author: ken_hanshin | Posted: Apr 3, 2007 11:26 AM | HT Fan ]

i think the 3-4sec is the loading time

did you try any game online?

if you did, pls tell us more about your impression =)
Re: PSY4 PS3 Impressions
[ Author: Guest: jimnyc2000 | Posted: Apr 3, 2007 10:26 PM ]

no game online yet..i have to create a login and need the wife to help me cause i cannot read japanese. I am hoping that I can invite people through the friend's list instead of doing it through the site but do not know yet.
Did try Zam's advice and installed the game from utilities menu but still have the blackouts. Does not hurt the game but it can be annoying.Never played with cursor batting so have a long way to go!
Re: PSY4 PS3 Impressions
[ Author: ken_hanshin | Posted: Apr 4, 2007 12:09 AM | HT Fan ]

hi jimmy

what is your psn name?

maybe we can play some games online

you are not the only one,,,i am not very good with cursor batting either....>_<
Re: PSY4 PS3 Impressions
[ Author: jss328 | Posted: Apr 3, 2007 1:41 PM | CD Fan ]

I agree that I will have to spend days on getting the perfect settings. I'm doing the short season Maji Pennant just for that purpose. But playing to get 8 or 10 settings is a hell of a lot better than messing with 100 sliders.

As for the frame rate issues: I haven't really noticed that it's when there are a lot of guys on the screen. It happens sometimes when the ball is hit into the corner and the camera rotates, when an outfielder makes a long, very high speed throw (Fukudome, for example), and occasionally (like 3 times a game) while pitching or batting. It's always been when the pitcher has just started his windup, so it doesn't get in the way of release or swing timing, thankfully, but it's still noticable.

And no, definitely not 1% as bad as the MLB 2K7 graphical issues are. I bought 2K7, played it for about 3 days, then played a game of PYS3 for the heck of it, and what I realized is how little 2K7 feels like baseball. It just doesn't feel like what you do with the controller has a relation to what happens on the field. What a terrible, terrible game.

Anyway, for those asking about online, no, I haven't tried it yet. I want to get a keyboard to hook up to the PS3 first, because I imagine trying to type messages, etc. in Japanese using the PS3 controller is a pain, and will take way too much time. Maybe this weekend I'll try it out.

By the way, BigManZam, how sure are you about the effect of going to the rosin bag? For one thing, I didn't see a mention of it in the instruction manual (I thought I read the pitching section fairly carefully, but I could have missed it, or it could be somewhere else in the book). Also, it doesn't show up in the pitching tutorials. I've only played a few games, so that's not really enough of a sample size for me to come to any conclusions, but if you know anything for sure, please let me know.
Re: PSY4 PS3 Impressions
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Apr 3, 2007 10:49 PM | CLM Fan ]

Interesting. Thanks for your insights. A lot of us are getting the game today through import, so we'll be able to chat a bit more in a few hours. Hehe.

As for the rosin bag. Trust me. I don't need to read anything to know it works. This PYS development team works like that, though. They put all these little AI and gameplay gems in there for the really advanced players to find and appreciate. At least they have on PYS3 and PYS4.

One of the earlier updates on the official site said, "When you find your stress building up on the mound, use the rosin bag to calm yourself down." or something really vague like that. Basically what they're telling you is that your release timing quality will diminish over time, so you better use the rosin to get that grip back. When you're pitching to high difficulty CPU, it makes all the difference in the world. It's the difference between throwing a shutout and giving up 20 hits. Big props to Konami for the AI and gameplay improvements. This game is a blast, and I haven't even played the PS3 version yet.
Re: PSY4 PS3 Impressions
[ Author: Guest | Posted: Apr 4, 2007 2:29 AM ]

can someone post videos pof the ps3 version?

I can not wait to get this game through the post!
Re: PSY4 PS3 Impressions
[ Author: Guest: jimnyc2000 | Posted: Apr 4, 2007 2:33 AM ]

hi ps3 online is bulldognyc...ill send you an friend invite tonight...thanks!

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