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Konami ID Tutorial

Discussion in the Video Games forum
Konami ID Tutorial
First off, before you start anything, you need to have Japanese language support installed on your internet browser. This is essential for copying and pasting any Japanese. Don't know how to do it? Off to Google you go.

1. Go to and scroll to Japan as your location.

2. Click on the top left blue icon. Leave everything on the next page alone and click on the left button on the bottom.

3. Scroll all the way to the bottom of the online agreement and click on the left button again.

The next screen is the one most people will have problems with, so here is a translation of all the different boxes you can fill here.

Konami ID(pick whatever you want, but it has to be all lower case)

Konami Style confirmation(leave unmarked)

Password(lower case with numbers)
Re-type password

Password setting(leave alone)

Confirmation question
Confirmation answer(has to be in Japanese. Use my example at the bottom)

Game ID(NOT your display name in PYS5. Just your sign in name. Lower case with numbers. Can not be the same as your Konami ID.)

Game ID password(numbers only)
Re-type password

Email address
Re-type email

Name in katakana
Name in kanji
(There is an example below the entry forms that use the name Konami Tarou. Just copy and paste that name into the appropriate boxes. You definitely need Japanese language support to do this. To avoid confusion, I'll go ahead and post in Japanese at the end of this post.)


Zip code(This is what will give most of you problems, because their site confirms the zip code with the address you put in. Just copy and paste the info at the end of this post.)

Address(should fill up when you use my zip code)

Apartment number(leave blank)

Phone number(use the example they use)

4. Okay, here is the exact Japanese you should copy and paste.

Confirmation answer: 西岡

Last name in kana: コナミ
First name in kana: タロウ

Last name in kanji: 小波
First name in kanji: 太郎

Zip code: 107-6327

Phone number: 0312345678

When you confirm that zip code, make sure to click on the blue link at the very left of the entered city information. This chooses that location as default.

5. The next screen should take you to the confirmation page. Click on the very left button at the bottom. That's it.
Re: Konami ID Tutorial
[ Author: jomcclane | Posted: Apr 6, 2008 3:49 PM ]

Heartfelt thanks BigManZam.

I'll give this a go as soon as I get the game.

Re: Konami ID Tutorial
[ Author: Guest: mattiewheels | Posted: Apr 6, 2008 10:11 PM ]

Well, entered everything and i keep getting this error message screen when i submit:

Re: Konami ID Tutorial
[ Author: acethunder | Posted: Apr 9, 2008 12:30 AM ]

I got blank page when I tried to go to The same happened on both Firefox and Internet Explorer.

Any idea?
Re: Konami ID Tutorial
[ Author: acethunder | Posted: Apr 9, 2008 4:16 PM ]

I only got blank screen from
any idea?
Re: Konami ID Tutorial
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Apr 10, 2008 7:31 AM | CLM Fan ]

Anyone else having issues? Konami just changed their site with the MGO beta, so you now need to set Japan as your location in the top right corner.
Re: Konami ID Tutorial
[ Author: acethunder | Posted: Apr 10, 2008 12:14 PM ]

Thank you, but still no luck.

Which webpage that you mentioned about setting Japan location? I went to Konami Japan page and clicked on a button in the bottom that link to Konami ID.

It's my first game in this series, may be I should spend more time in training mode before go online
Re: Konami ID Tutorial
[ Author: jomcclane | Posted: Apr 22, 2008 4:28 PM ]

I just tried this tutorial and it seemed to work fine.

Thank you again BigManZam.


Before filling out anything else, click on the 'Zip Code Form' button. DO THIS FIRST.

When the form appears, enter BigManZam's zip code and click the small button just below the zip code. Then click on the blue link to the left of the location information, as explained by BigManZam.

The address information should now already be filled out when you return to the main form, as explained by BigManZam.

Now follow the rest of the tutorial from beginning to end.

I had trouble creating my Konami ID until I did the zip code portion of this tutorial FIRST, and then went back to complete the rest.

Hope this helps some.

I should have the PS3 version by mid-week. Can't wait to attempt online mode!

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