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Could the Lions win the Pacific League?

Discussion in the Open Talk forum
Could the Lions win the Pacific League?
Seibu just got its fourth straight win and is 5.5 games behind the Hawks. Wada seems to be playing pretty good and Cabrera must be extremely happy with the new and very generous contract he just got.

My question to all, especially those Seibu fans is: Do you honestly think that they will win this year, or are the Lions a work in progress for the near future?
Re: Could the Lions win the Pacific League?
[ Author: Guest: null | Posted: Jul 31, 2003 11:42 AM ]

- My question to all, especially those Seibu fans is: Do you honestly think that they will win this year, or are the Lions a work in progress for the near future?

The Lions have been and will continue to be one of the better teams in the Pacific League. They are only 5.5 games out of first, and they will continue to give a run for the pennant, probably until the end of the season.

The Lions are such a team that they need not be labeled a "work in progress for the near future," as they already have their share of stars, and with the exception of Kazuo Matsui who may be leaving, and Itoh, the "dai-beteran," who may retire soon, the Lions have a bright future. Cabrera continues to be consistent, hitting for power and average, and Wada's hot hitting streak is only an addition to the great batting lineup that Seibu already has.

In terms of starting pitchers, Seibu has Matsuzaka who just came back from injury to pitch a complete game, as well as Taiwanese Chang Chih-Chia returning to form. The bullpen is solid with setup man Mori and closer Toyoda.
Re: Could the Lions win the Pacific League?
[ Author: Guest: UMASS | Posted: Jul 31, 2003 12:23 PM ]

Daei will clinch pennant this year, they have many good pitchers.

How did they get them at the same time?
Re: Could the Lions win the Pacific League?
[ Author: Guest: Jen Wei | Posted: Jul 31, 2003 3:25 PM ]

Seibu should take better for their pitching and fielding!
Re: Could the Lions win the Pacific League?
[ Author: Guest: Tomo | Posted: Jul 31, 2003 9:42 PM ]

I'm sure LIONS will do it! Because Nishiguchi and Matsuzaka have come back.

No problem!
Re: Could the Lions win the Pacific League?
[ Author: Guest: niibu yaa | Posted: Aug 6, 2003 3:18 PM ]

I agree with you on that totally. Daiei has gotten some good pitchers to add on to an already excellant group of last year. If they can keep thir bats turning, they have a great chance of taking it all this year.

I honestly don't think that Seibu will be much of a challenge for them, but with yesterday's game, that seems a bit off the point. =)

For all the FDH fans out there, lets hope that they get sold to someone that will keep them in Fukuoka. Can't imagine a Hawks game without Tonkatsu Ramen.

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Michael Westbay
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