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Best Game of the Year

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Best Game of the Year
Although the Hawks did not pull it out, Game 5 of the Pacific League playoffs was a wildly entertaining affair. I was glued to the action for every minute. As Valentine-kantoku said, it is a shame that one team had to lose.

Congratulations to the Chiba Lotte Marines and their fans. You are the Pacific League Champions for 2005. Well earned, in my view.
Re: Best Game of the Year
[ Author: mijow | Posted: Oct 17, 2005 10:38 PM | HT Fan ]

I'll second that. It was a hard fought game, and it was great to see Lotte win after a 31-year hiatus. The fans deserved it. Mind you, the story will be very different for them next week against the Tigers.

But what of the Hawks? Two first place finishes, two failed post season campaigns. Are they turning into the Atlanta Braves of Japan?
Re: Best Game of the Year
[ Author: himself | Posted: Oct 18, 2005 8:14 AM | FSH Fan ]

- But what of the Hawks? Two first place finishes, two failed post season campaigns. Are they turning into the Atlanta Braves of Japan?

It's kind of hard to be considered chokers when you've won two championships, don't you think?
Re: Best Game of the Year
[ Author: mijow | Posted: Oct 18, 2005 11:05 PM | HT Fan ]

- It's kind of hard to be considered chokers when you've won two championships, don't you think?

No, I'm talking about their performance since playoffs were introduced: two first place finishes, two failures in the playoffs. The Braves have won their division, what, 14 times, and how many championships do they have to show for it?
Re: Best Game of the Year
[ Author: himself | Posted: Oct 18, 2005 11:38 PM | FSH Fan ]

The Braves will be the Braves. I'll admit though, it does get pretty frightening when comparing the Braves to the Hawks team of the last two years.
Re: Best Game of the Year
[ Author: Guest: Regular Guy | Posted: Oct 18, 2005 1:58 PM ]

The Pa-League playoff system needs to be changed, what with so few teams in the league. For a second rate (whoops, second place, sorry) team to have a chance to go to the finals with the team who topped their league by 4.5 games, and then are made to wait for nearly 2 weeks for this sudden death series is, if not unfair, boring. The Hawks have been the strongest - best - team in the PL 2 years in a row. Sure they can be faulted for not winning the last series, but still, the system needs to be examined.
Re: Best Game of the Year
[ Author: daijnj | Posted: Oct 18, 2005 7:13 PM | FSH Fan ]

You are right! I agree that the playoff system needs overhauling (or preferably scrapping entirely). At one point Seibu could have guarenteed their place in the playoffs by losing!
Re: Best Game of the Year
[ Author: Kiyoshi | Posted: Oct 19, 2005 1:48 AM | HAN Fan ]

I saw the highlights on Fuji-Sankei news - Wow!

Fans were bowing and touching Bobby Valentine's statue throughout the game. The field and clubhouse was a crazy scene with Bobby tossed into the air!

But the best part for the fans of the winning teams are the following day sales at team affiliated department stores!
Re: Best Game of the Year
[ Author: Animaru Resulie | Posted: Oct 21, 2005 5:10 AM | HT Fan ]

- But the best part for the fans of the winning teams are the following day sales at team affiliated department stores!

Yeah, it was absolutely fantastic that they won. The problem is, Lotteria hamburgers aren't exactly fantastic. Actually, they're really awful. What I would really appreciate is if they had a sale for Lotte chocolate.

By the way, has anyone had a taste of Bo-beer?
Re: Best Game of the Year
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Oct 18, 2005 11:22 PM | CLM Fan ]

Someone seems bitter.
Re: Best Game of the Year
[ Author: Guest | Posted: Oct 19, 2005 4:32 PM ]

Incidentally, Seibu did not or could not win the First Stage and then the Second Stage. If Seibu would have qualified for the Nippon Series (PL Champs) then definitely they would have started a discussion of changing the system.

Playoffs and inter-league games are much needed, but also need many things worked out.
  1. Qualification by losing
  2. 20 games behind finisher had a shot at to be Champion (would have been shame) - please remember, even the league's worst team, Raukuten, posted an 8 and 2 record over a particular time.
Re: Best Game of the Year
[ Author: Guest | Posted: Oct 19, 2005 11:17 PM ]

- Someone seems bitter.

Anytime a team is robbed of a pennant two years in a row, I think the fans of that team has a right to be. It's always going to be a bitter moment when your season ends in defeat.

Don't start fanning any flames here, we'll let you celebrate, you'll be a little more respectful toward the losing fans.
Re: Best Game of the Year
[ Author: Guest: zman | Posted: Oct 21, 2005 10:10 PM ]

As big a Hanshin fan as I am, my advice to those that are saying that Chiba is an inferior team is this: they already beat a far better team, a team that in many ways is better than Hanshin.

Valentine is so far ahead of his peers as a coach he will know what Okada does before he even thinks about it. It will be talent versus coaching. The Hawks, with Oh in command, are watching the Series from their living rooms. So let's not underestimate the Marines. They deserve to be where they are and can beat the Tigers if things break their way.

But of course they won't. Tigers in six.
Re: Best Game of the Year
[ Author: Christopher | Posted: Oct 22, 2005 4:34 PM | HAN Fan ]

Chiba are not an inferior team. I would have preferred the Hawks this year, as it would have been an easy victory for the Tigers (sorry Hawks' fans). Lotte are a difficult team, especially as they can handle big match situations. My impression is that the Tigers will be too strong, but that Lotte are capable of winning.

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